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Posted by hnefrdo on 09-17-2003 03:26 AM:

"mommy, wut's love?"

love is a noun we see, say and hear all the time, but what does it mean? wut is he/she really thinking when he/she gazes into yur eyes and says it? yu may have an idea of wut it is, and so does yur significant other. but, wut if these two ideas are not identical? then is it a "one-way love?" yes. at least to yu it will be.

not knowing the definition, i turn to dictionary.com. the first(and oldest) definition given is "A deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person..." this definition would suffice in making little jonny stop asking mommy more questions; but, to use the word in a sentence(ie. i love you), i want to kno wut i mean when i say it(the next time). i read on and the newer definitions added are each more vague and general than the last. is that wut has become of love over time, vague and general? by the third definition given, it is already "Sexual passion; Sexual intercourse; A love affair." by the seventh, it is "A strong predilection or enthusiasm." the tenth and last is "a zero score in tennis." -_-*

i think of love as a word people have attached to a feeling that they can't decribe. not to use the word to describe any ineffable feeling, but the feeling yu experience after yu eat a pound of chocolate. to more research, i find Henry Finck to conclude, "love is such a tissue of paradoxes and exists in such an endless variety of forms and shades that you may say almost anything about it that yu please, and it is likely to be correct." that one settles me. love is...... a bunch of crap.

practice makes perfect.


Posted by Ladi Jay on 09-17-2003 03:46 PM:

that quote is a very good quote.

Posted by kryogenix on 09-17-2003 08:14 PM:

love = 0 in tennis

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