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Posted by micron on 08-17-2002 04:27 AM:

bible study.

im going to start a Bible study in this forum... so a apologize in advance if you arent Christian. you are free to create your own religious study group if you wish.

Posted by MiGhTy KiTTy on 08-17-2002 04:32 AM:

ooh~ thats tyte!! whos gonna be the teacher? ^^

Posted by jini on 08-17-2002 04:35 AM:

haha.. good idea!

so when's it gonna start?

homepage: name-less.com/jini
aim: baibeexjini
xanga: jinix

wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by micron on 08-17-2002 04:46 AM:

Originally posted by MiGhTy KiTTy
ooh~ thats tyte!! whos gonna be the teacher? ^^

everyone i suppose. we can teach ourselves...

Posted by MiGhTy KiTTy on 08-17-2002 09:02 AM:

Originally posted by jusunlee

everyone i suppose. we can teach ourselves...

heh i knew that..^^;

Posted by lukisxluna on 08-17-2002 09:48 AM:

Soo umm.. where is the subject to talk about?.. err here is one.. Why do you believe in God? Jesus? Holy Spirit the Trinity and go to church? what makes you believe the figures f which that doesn't really EXIST unseable yet some how living in US in out Heart that gives us happniess and joy. when ever you are overjoyed with happiness you call out to god, thanking him/her and saying how great he/she is to give you this moment and that, yet when somethig bad happens or the worst of things that can happen to you, you cause him, or pray to him about how you have commited soo much sin that he/she, the god is punishing you for it. you blame the Satan. shes presence had made you do what ever the h.. that you did and pray to god for forgiveness. So, is it like that? that when your happy its god that is giving it to you, and then your in despair its also his/her fault? yet god is a perfect **being** isnt he? why then make us this unperfect beings that he has **TOTAL** control over? does he not control all the humans, plants, the earth, universe and every thing that is existing with or with out you? why then care for something soo small such as earth compare to the infinate universe? whats the point? are we a threat to him? is that why he is keeping us at bay to make sure we don't acheive what he/she is? soo that we can never EVER be what he/she is? or am i saying this because the satan is by my side to criticize god and question him? or was I jus too influenced by the environment around me about how unbelieveable the bible doesn't explain... example? in genesis God said he made the sun, moon, day, night, and he just spoke "let there be...: this and that and things apears out of the blue... meaning how did it happened? how long did it take? was there a 24 hour rotating from day to night system when he was making the sun and the moon? was while he was making the sun, moon, and earth was time frozen? no time? jus a void... with out time? did we make time? did we jus happen to spawn out of the earth while is was changing constantly for the millions and billions of years? while one celled living organisms were becoming a multi-celled organism because of its changing environment and some how they jus happen to work togather and make a intelligent living organism, such as a human? or was it a ape first? did we keep on changing and changing until we had this form, a human.. and become the top of the food chain ruling over the earth being able to control rather it can live on or die and kill them own selves? are we gods of the this earth? the whole as a human, is that what makes us human? to try be become god? are we trying to become god? trying to be perfect be seem better... act better, be better. is that what god gave us? to be like him? while we are soo impefect? or is it that Humans made a god? to secure them selve, he be what we are not, to act as if we are believing in some thing greater then a normal being, to make sure that there is something better then us. is this realistic? a fantacy? fictional? is it sinning jus to think and question why and how of the things that make absolutly no sence? or its just *missing* well doesn't matter does it? im jus another human born to die as any human to soposly go to Heven or Hell depending on what i do in earth out of the what 6 ? 7 billion people out there. so it doesnt matter what i think of god or anything else because maybe .00001% of the population will see this and see how they have weasted there time on some thing soo pointless talking about unless things. well im not truly sorry but this is jus what i think, you or any one cant stop the way i think because its my life and your just another human existing with mine. some soo close that with out it it would be hard to live.. like losing an arm.. but some would be jus a peice of hair... loseing or having isnt going to make much difference.

hehe =] Sorry for the long post hate me for weasting your time or for crutisizing god or what ever i said or what ever, but its just another post like any other see it pass it or make another post.. lol your choice. just like chosing to read all of it =] never told you to hehe enjoy~ =] or hate it =]

Ps. Sorry for the time comsuming post =]

Cookies... Gimmes all your Cookies! Mine Mine!! keke~ if you dun wanna share its okie~ ill jus eat the cookies I have =]

Posted by MiGhTy KiTTy on 08-17-2002 06:12 PM:

wow...you think mucho much haha xP i dont think pplz will make you change your mind but i just think that wat you said will cause like a big controversy or its just me again..-___- as for me..i dont dare to question God its just how i was taught.

Posted by jini on 08-18-2002 12:06 AM:

i dunno... i just chose not to question God or the Bible. i believe..

there are many unexplainable things in the world..

homepage: name-less.com/jini
aim: baibeexjini
xanga: jinix

wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by TAIgrr on 08-18-2002 12:21 AM:

Originally posted by jini
i dunno... i just chose not to question God or the Bible. i believe..

there are many unexplainable things in the world..

i agree

dont try to know everything
and dont try to figure out answers to questions about god

if we were to know everything he knew
we would be at the same level as him

(unless, there's something you dont get... but dont think up questions, because then that makes you doubt the Lord)


Posted by jini on 08-19-2002 03:58 AM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr

(unless, there's something you dont get... but dont think up questions, because then that makes you doubt the Lord)

yea.. juss nod your head. that's what i do

homepage: name-less.com/jini
aim: baibeexjini
xanga: jinix

wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by lukisxluna on 08-19-2002 06:05 AM:


whats the pont of this bible study then? haha how else are you goign to learn with out questioning and having something stand in your way soo that it stops you sick from questioning becuase out of your hand? when why learn? hehe well i question to learn more or the truth. if i am sinning for it or doubting god for it or heck jus being an ass for it then so be it. its out of seeking knowledge so if its whever sin im doing then so be it =] its my little think skull that thinks of these dumb things ahh wellz~

ps. im a christian only because i have been growing up with it with parents sister etc etc. now that i can think for my self (or before.. or when ever it started) i can question what ever i like with what ever punishment god wanna give hehe it doesnt matter any ways worst is death no? ohh wait can it be tourture and death of my close loveable people and every thing i like or living being deaf and blind? can god be soo cruel to do such thing? then so be it =] doesnt matter any ways =]

this is jus a fourm and me jus another wondering fool seeking knowledge and checking whats lie and whats truth or just being an ass hehe ~ =]

Cookies... Gimmes all your Cookies! Mine Mine!! keke~ if you dun wanna share its okie~ ill jus eat the cookies I have =]

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 08-20-2002 07:29 AM:

wow...thaz sum deep reflections there...well, all i can say is we'll noe for sure wen we die

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 08-22-2002 02:31 AM:

online Bible study is an interesting idea

umm, on the long post.......faith is the reason i believe in God. there is no absolute proof that there is or isnt God...it is not possible to prove either way...but the way i see it, there is strong evidence there is God, besides factoring in faith. the Bible has run together, with authors agreeing with each other on all that is a matter of serious concern. prophecy has become true in the Bible. God has given us freedom of choice, so we can choose to believe in him or not. otherwise we would be mindless beings created for little reason. i also dont believe one should explore all the deeper questions of/about Christianity, unless one is firmly rooted in their faith n understanding. u also discussed several topics such as evolution n the Creation n matters of salvation........i guess we could cover each topic n talk about in this thread.......im tired from typin.......mite be back to type more on this :sleepy:


Posted by Jj2 on 08-22-2002 02:47 AM:

well-said i like

Posted by Jj2 on 08-22-2002 02:52 AM:

i used to go to church every week when i was young but i never really paid any attention to it...only went cause my parents wanted me to. but then as i grew older, i stopped going but still called myself a christian even though i really wasnt one cause i didnt practise the religion seriously. and just a few years earlier, it didnt hit me till i REALLY questioned God and the Bible, their existence. man, that was hard...i'm still struggling to see whether i believe in God or not. i mean, i see God as something that human beings created for those who need faith, those who need a sense of security and peace. but then on the other hand, it doesnt matter if God really existed or not, it's the faith that counts. it's that one sole thing that keeps people sane and continue living life. so that's why i'm so confused about this whole issue with Chirstianity. and i feel like i'm committing a sin when i question God's existence. so...hmm...i dont know...time will tell i suppose...

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 08-22-2002 03:01 AM:

another thing......questioning God is not sinning, it is a normal part of our human nature.....a person who has never questioned God either is lying, or hasnt experienced any pain in their life, or hasnt thought about life n existence a lot (ok, so im generalizing here)......juss remember ur faith


Posted by Jj2 on 08-22-2002 03:23 AM:

thanks. i needed that

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 08-22-2002 04:15 AM:

yup yup...there is nuttin wrong wit questioning. he gave us minds, and we're supposed to use them after all. of course we'll start to wonder. but then, sumtymz pplz's questions aren't taken seriously or aren't answered very well and they lose the faith :sad: i alwaize find that sad...

Posted by liL komA xP on 08-22-2002 09:17 PM:

i bible study every week end..
at church!!!

hello..people :thumbup:
hab a nice day

aim: krNx kiD xP

Posted by saranghae on 08-22-2002 09:39 PM:

wow... its so long... hehe... i'm still reading it.

they had something like this... on neopets... haha.

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