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Posted by IronPanda322 on 10-17-2002 07:40 AM:

Christianity and any questions you got against it

OK, so i've been wanting to do this since i've joined. But I want to tackle any questions any of you guys have against Christianity.

A little background on me. I'm a Christian who wants to spread the word that God really does exist. I don't have all the answers and from lookin at some of your posts I know that a lot of you guys are pretty intelligent. I like to do this cause it keeps my mind sharp and I have to expand my mind to be able to answer your questions. So ask away and I'll try my best to answer.

Peace out and God bless


Posted by Jj2 on 10-17-2002 02:47 PM:

i havent got any questions that are 'against' christianity...but i'm just wondering...does God decide who lives and who dies? for example, if a person was caught in an accident and was then brought to a hospital but then dies a few hours later...would u say that it was God who took his life? or is it the person's spirit's will to want to die?

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by Nojeel on 10-17-2002 08:18 PM:

Re: Christianity and any questions you got against it

Originally posted by IronPanda322
God really does exist.
Does he really? how are you so certain that there is such a entity known as " God " is it "faith" making you believe there really is God? what proves that there is such a being that created this existence? those are my questions..


Posted by tea on 10-17-2002 09:03 PM:

this is gonna get intense


Posted by jini on 10-17-2002 10:42 PM:

wow... i wanted to do this. but i wasn't sure if i wanted to go up against jon oppa.

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wherever you go, whatever you do
i will be right here waiting for you
whatever it takes or how my heart breaks
i will be right here waiting for you

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 10-17-2002 11:14 PM:

Originally posted by jini
wow... i wanted to do this. but i wasn't sure if i wanted to go up against jon oppa.

i dont think it was pandas intention to go against anyone. im sure everyone here will argue each side respectably

and i admire iron panda for doing this.



Posted by IronPanda322 on 10-18-2002 12:32 AM:

Phew man, OK here we go.

I'm gonna take one question at a time though, as for Nojeel, that's gonna take some time for me to answer so just bear with me and let me think about it for awhile.

Ultimatly I believe that God is in control of all things. So in answer to your question, yes I believe that God decides who lives and who dies. In truth human's cannot will anything to happen.

Here's an experiment, try to make your hair grey right now, just by thinking about it, or will it. It won't happen. or try to make hair grow somewhere on your body just by willing it. The body doesn't work that way.

In proverbs it says that God "works out everything for his own ends - even the wicked for a day of disaster." (16:4).

If a death does worry you and make you wonder how can a loving God do such a thing. You gotta remember that God does everything for the greater good. A prime example would be the death of Jesus. When Jesus was crucified they lost all hope, didn't know what to do. Thought that God had abandoned them, but i mean we all know what happened after that. Jesus ressurrected and the lives of the apostles were changed and great things happened.

Now before you guys point out that the resurrection may or may not have happened or how a loving God could possibly allow bad things to happen, just remember that right now i'm just answereing that first question. I will get to these points eventually, hopefully soon

I hope that answered your question, but let me know if it didn't

Lastly quick question for Nojeel, why do you think that God doesn't exist? Great questions by the way. Keep em coming.


Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 10-18-2002 05:56 AM:

Originally posted by IronPanda322
Lastly quick question for Nojeel, why do you think that God doesn't exist? Great questions by the way. Keep em coming.

don't answer a question with a question.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by IronPanda322 on 10-18-2002 07:41 AM:

Ah my bad, well i'm just kinda asking that to guage where i should start. It's a pretty broad question that I could come in from a lot of angles, I was just hoping that he would answer that so i could have an idea about where to start.


Posted by Nojeel on 10-18-2002 07:29 PM:

Originally posted by IronPanda322
Lastly quick question for Nojeel, why do you think that God doesn't exist? Great questions by the way. Keep em coming.
i never said i didn't believe in god

but honestly i do feel atheist at times..alot actually..what proves that god exist? really, what proves that there is a heaven and a hell and such a thing as a holy spirit? as they say, when god returns to this world, he will take all those who believes in his name and the holy spirit up to heaven with him, and the rest will be sent to hell...revalations..

but that strikes me..what about all those other different religions such as buddihism..they have different teachings and has a different *god* is it jusitifed and correct to say they all will go to hell cause they have their own beliefs?

i'll stop there..i'll wait for you response to my question


Posted by az0nd2r3 on 10-18-2002 08:36 PM:

Originally posted by Nojeel
i never said i didn't believe in god

but honestly i do feel atheist at times..alot actually..what proves that god exist? really, what proves that there is a heaven and a hell and such a thing as a holy spirit? as they say, when god returns to this world, he will take all those who believes in his name and the holy spirit up to heaven with him, and the rest will be sent to hell...revalations..

but that strikes me..what about all those other different religions such as buddihism..they have different teachings and has a different *god* is it jusitifed and correct to say they all will go to hell cause they have their own beliefs?

i'll stop there..i'll wait for you response to my question

well, i want to hear ironpanda's reply to this, but ill try my best to answer...remember im not a theologian or anything, so my answer probably isnt perfect....

ok, the simplest answer is....there is no way i can prove to anyone that God exists if they dont want to believe He exists......psalm 14:1..."the fool has said in his heart, there is no God! they acted corruptly; they have done abominable works, there is none who does good."

on revelations.....all who are Christians (believe that Jesus was the only son of God, was sent as the only way for our salvation, by his death for our sins and His resurrection, and is our Lord and Savior) will be taken up immediately at the second coming of Christ, but revelation does not say anywhere that no one can believe afterwards and still be saved, but must first die.....if any of u have read the Left Behind series by tim lahaye, u might understand what im talkin about.....say some person has been goin to church their whole life, but never really accepted Jesus as their personal Savior (there are many who may seem to Christians, but have never really believed, or taken the steps to become one).....after Christ's second coming, it may become obvious that theyve been wrong all this time, and still recieve Christ and be saved.....but they will die regardless, at some point, because everyone on earth after Christ's return will die before they are judged......and there is also the 144,000 Jews mentioned in revelation that turn to Christ...

im not gonna talk about other religions yet until i can think of a better answer...i dont kno enough abt other religions to feel qualified to talk about them


Posted by Ladi Jay on 10-18-2002 09:36 PM:

can I just say that it's the way people were brought up?... people are brought up to believe what they're parents believe in and things that go on around them that make them believe in what they believe... it all has to do with practices of a certain type of religion... or anything... everyone's beliefs are based on what they grew up hearing about, as the truth to how things are created... for instance, I grew up believing in God, but my parents religion is Shamanism... so as respect, I follow my parents religion also... just as I follow what I believe in... I believe certain things from different religions...

so basically, my point is that there aren't really any answers to any of this that everyone will believe... it all depends on what the person's religion is and what he/she believes and trusts is right...

don't get me wrong, I respect that Panda is wording out what he believes in and if I offended anyone in any way, I'm sorry

Posted by IronPanda322 on 10-18-2002 10:47 PM:

Alright, so here's my reply to Nojeel, and i'm doing this on the fly (off the top of my head) so if i miss anything or anything doesn't make much sense, let me know and i'll put up something more coherent

Let's look at the other religions here for a sec. OK,

1st major difference between Christianity and other religions. Christianity is not about doing or not doing. Whereas in other religions it is stated that if you do this or if you do that then you can gain salvation. Christianity is the complete opposite. It starts out by saying that nothing we can do can earn salvation. We are a corrupt and perverse people, this can be seen throughout history (war, death, destruction, sexual perversion, and steven seagal movies *sorry i just had to put that ) The only way we can be saved is by believing that Jesus Christ came, died, and rose again to rectify our sinful state.

2nd difference is that Christianity is historic and evidential. Meaning that the existance of Christ is indeed verified. Jesus Christ was a historic figure. His life, death and ressurrection was written about by eye witness account. Christianity unlike all the other world religions it has historic validity and history can testify to that.

3rd Christianity is the only faith that has miracles backed up by history. Islam and Buddhism may claim they have had miracles, but they really have no proof to back it up. The resurrection is the major miracle that can be verified by history.

4th It has a coherent belief system. Some Christian doctrine might be hard to understand, but they aren't irrational or absurd.

A lot of this i got off of this site, doing some research, http://www.equip.org/free/DW254.htm

OK this isn't my total answer there is more, but let me know if you guys have any problems with any of what i put up so far.

As for Lady Jay, I just gotta say, i agree that many times people do grow up following their parents religion, but let me tell you about me. I grew up in the church since i was a little kid, but there has to be a point in ones life where they gotta ask, is the path that my parents take the path I want to take? It's like taking up the job your father does cause he does it. Do you really want to follow in your father's footsteps? Or mother's for that matter. I may have grown up in the church, but i've done my own soul searching and I've found that Christianity is my answer.

Yeah more to come.........


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 10-19-2002 12:38 AM:

-edit- question has been answered.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by Jj2 on 10-19-2002 01:09 AM:

Originally posted by IronPanda322
Ultimatly I believe that God is in control of all things. So in answer to your question, yes I believe that God decides who lives and who dies. In truth human's cannot will anything to happen.

Here's an experiment, try to make your hair grey right now, just by thinking about it, or will it. It won't happen. or try to make hair grow somewhere on your body just by willing it. The body doesn't work that way.

In proverbs it says that God "works out everything for his own ends - even the wicked for a day of disaster." (16:4).

If a death does worry you and make you wonder how can a loving God do such a thing. You gotta remember that God does everything for the greater good. A prime example would be the death of Jesus. When Jesus was crucified they lost all hope, didn't know what to do. Thought that God had abandoned them, but i mean we all know what happened after that. Jesus ressurrected and the lives of the apostles were changed and great things happened.

Now before you guys point out that the resurrection may or may not have happened or how a loving God could possibly allow bad things to happen, just remember that right now i'm just answereing that first question. I will get to these points eventually, hopefully soon

I hope that answered your question, but let me know if it didn't

oh ok...thanks for answering my question

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by Ladi Jay on 10-19-2002 02:02 AM:

Originally posted by IronPanda322

As for Lady Jay, I just gotta say, i agree that many times people do grow up following their parents religion, but let me tell you about me. I grew up in the church since i was a little kid, but there has to be a point in ones life where they gotta ask, is the path that my parents take the path I want to take? It's like taking up the job your father does cause he does it. Do you really want to follow in your father's footsteps? Or mother's for that matter. I may have grown up in the church, but i've done my own soul searching and I've found that Christianity is my answer.

I understand what you and psycho are saying and I agree, buh sometimes it's hard to not follow my parents religion because again, I believe certain things from certain religions... and besides, sometimes it's kinda hard not to go along with what my parents believe in because they make me do those spiritual callings with them :huh: we used to go to church too, so I'm sure they will agree and accept my beliefs

Posted by Jj2 on 10-22-2002 01:20 PM:

ooo...got another question

it's more of a personal answer from u...but anyways, here it goes...do u get offended when a person calls himself/herself a christian even though he/she doesnt 100% believe in God?

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 10-22-2002 04:34 PM:

offended, no........but sometimes i jus think theyre all wrong n stuff.....n maybe a little sad for the person...


Posted by Jj2 on 10-23-2002 12:05 AM:

so ppl r not allowed to call themselves Ahristians if they dont 100% believe in God is it? :huh:

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by tm11 on 01-15-2003 10:34 PM:

there are still unanswered questions.


word is bond

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