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-- [news] North Korea calls 007 movie insulting (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=9009)

Posted by UnisMuiMui on 12-14-2002 05:38 PM:

[news] North Korea calls 007 movie insulting

SEOUL (Reuters) - James Bond was tortured by North Korea (news - web sites) agents in his latest film, "Die Another Day", and now he's being flogged again by his latest foe for "insulting the Korean nation".

North Korea on Saturday urged the United States to stop showing the 20th James Bond feature film, calling it a "dirty and cursed burlesque aimed to slander (North Korea) and insult the Korean nation...," said the Secretariat of the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of the Fatherland.

The MGM studio hit, starring Pierce Brosnan and Halle Berry "clearly proves" the United States is "the root cause of all disasters and misfortune of the Korean nation" and is "an empire of evil", said the committee, which deals with South Korean affairs.

Its statement was reported by North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency.

In his latest adventure, Bond takes a hovercraft through the heavily fortified frontier dividing North and South Korea (news - web sites). He is caught and tortured in North Korea before being released in a prisoner exchange.

The movie has also irked South Koreans, who especially object to a scene where Bond has sex in a Buddhist temple.

The movie, which does not open in Seoul theatres until year's end, also shows a farmer tilling his field with a cow, which Korean critics say makes the country appear backward.

"The United States should stop at once the show," the North Korean statement said, because it describes "the DPRK as part of an 'axis of evil', inciting inter-Korean confrontation, groundlessly despising and insulting the Korean nation and malignantly desecrating even religion".

The DPRK is an acronym for North Korea's official name, the Democratic People's Republic of North Korea.

The United States is "the headquarters that spreads abnormality, degeneration, violence and fin de siecle corrupt sex culture", the statement said.

source: yahoo! news


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 12-14-2002 06:26 PM:

hahaha, i like that riposte NK tried to pull on Bush's "axis of evil" statement hahaha, how america is an "empire of evil." Yea! Power to synonyms!

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by aznkid1008 on 12-14-2002 07:07 PM:

its a freaken movie chill, Russia didnt whine their ass about Goldeneye did they? jezz its a freaken MOVIE not reality. this just shows they r a bunch of idiots.

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by castle outsider on 12-15-2002 03:12 AM:

yea..this is pretty stupid...

Posted by Klumzy on 12-15-2002 03:45 AM:

Originally posted by aznkid1008
its a freaken movie chill, Russia didnt whine their ass about Goldeneye did they? jezz its a freaken MOVIE not reality. this just shows they r a bunch of idiots.

would you say the same thing if hollywood decided to make a movie making fun of you??? i don't think so...

"The man of tomorrow is forged by his battles today."

Posted by MellowYellow on 12-15-2002 07:59 AM:

hollywood tends to exaggerate everything...

and aznkid1008.. it is a movie but a lot of ignorant people tend to get most of their sterotype images FROM movies... so if people see korea (north or south) depicted that way... that's how they'll think it is...and i dunno about you but it might make it seem like korean people are dumb "oh just go back to your farms and eat dogs" .. <--- someone said that to me... (i'm sooooo not lying, a girl who had a thing about asian people attacked me.. lol with a plastic bottle... a cop came.. she got arrested.. she went to court..don't know what happened to her) ... but it was before this movie came out

well i'm not THAT offended still... but uhm..i don't think they'll stop showing the movie... i remember that whole thing where the main guy actor for autumn story (gah eul dong hwa) refused to play the part of the korean dude in that movie ( i think it was him??? ) people were like "good for him!!!"

eh... i don't think much of it.... because right now those colored phones came out and everyone who got one of those color screen phones... has LG or Samsung... not many motorola's and that other company... and i heard hyundai cars were getting better.. and these days i'm seeing so many out on the streets ( i guess cuz they're cheap... the cars not the people driving them.. lol) so anyone who says korea is some under developed country.. would just be ignorant... stupid asses... lol...

I hate google cache.

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 12-15-2002 07:13 PM:

if anyone ever heard about that movie disney made called Kung Dong or something like 5 years back...i have actually never even seen it physically in any store before i really wonder if it exists. Anyway, our social studies teacher used to tell us about it when it was going on. Disney wanted to build a disney world in china and china thought that movie was insulting and said they wouldn't be able to do that if they released the movie. So they didn't, but i heard it was released in other places exempting china...wonder if that is true hehe, cause i haven't heard anything about it after and it's been a couple years, i'm not even sure if that's how you spell the name it's probably not.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by Alchemist on 12-18-2002 02:15 AM:

If something contains a false statement, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is completely false.

I could hold up a green pen and say "This pen is green, and I hate you." Even if I didn't hate you (which I don't) the pen would still be green.

Anyway, America may not be an "axis of evil" but North Korea might find the movie offensive.

Posted by MellowYellow on 12-19-2002 04:22 AM:

Originally posted by Alchemist
If something contains a false statement, it doesn't necessarily mean that it is completely false.

I could hold up a green pen and say "This pen is green, and I hate you." Even if I didn't hate you (which I don't) the pen would still be green.

Anyway, America may not be an "axis of evil" but North Korea might find the movie offensive.

the article said empire of evil not axis of evil (V)

I hate google cache.

Posted by Street RSX on 01-05-2003 06:34 PM:

i wuz a bit offended too.. buh thing is, i wuz first realliee glad about that movie.. being shot in korea and all.. buh yes, it wuz realliee wrong of wuht it did to koreans.

which also amazed me was.. this wuz tha first tym Bond was actualliee trapped there for that long.. in a movie hahahaa.. i wuz laughin cuz from other terrorists he wuz captured by in other movie.. (Germany, Russia, Czech...) he escaped.. realliee fast.. buh in this one, his own country had to go there and get him out.. sadd.. buh it also made north koreans look realliee barbaric. so yea.. i dint like tha thot of that too.. i dun kno, i hav mixed feelings about this movie

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