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Posted by az0nd2r3 on 10-18-2002 07:53 PM:

protein structure

could someone please explain to me how the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure of proteins work? n how 4 polypeptide chains n a heme group make up the 3d shape of hemoglobin by these structures? cuz i failed my bio test since i forgot it, n couldnt explain well.....


Posted by Ladi Jay on 10-18-2002 09:21 PM:

we juss finished learning the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quarternary consumers of a food chain... buh I bet that is totally different from what you're talking about so I can't help... sorrie... and all this stuff that I'm learning in enviromental biology is so boring... it's stuff that I learned last year... I sleep in the class all the time :sleepy: and I'm still getting a good grade

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 10-18-2002 11:21 PM:

Re: protein structure

Originally posted by az0nd2r3
could someone please explain to me how the primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary structure of proteins work? n how 4 polypeptide chains n a heme group make up the 3d shape of hemoglobin by these structures? cuz i failed my bio test since i forgot it, n couldnt explain well.....

two words: Hydrogen Bonds. The hydrogen bonds in the R group allow the proteins to form into its 3rd and 4th stages.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 10-19-2002 04:43 AM:

umm....could u be more specific....what is the R group in this case? the heme? n how does the folding/twisting/watever contribute to the final shape and structure? n are H bonds also between the functional groups?


Posted by iLLmaTiC_aNgeL on 10-21-2002 12:42 AM:

the following factors contribute to the tertiary structure
-hydrogen bonding btwn R groups of amino acids
-ionic bonding btwn R groups of AA
-hydrophobic effect occurs
-the formation of disulfide bonds
u should get an ap bio review book..(assuming that u are taking ap bio rite now)

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 10-27-2002 06:45 AM:

ok, thx ppl....i got it now....n im not takin ap bio....imma freshie^^


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