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Posted by aZnSwtHart on 05-09-2002 04:21 PM:


i want some abz...aLL i have iz flab...how do i get a 1 pak???

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-09-2002 04:23 PM:

Only a 1 pak? =T

well wOrk out ur abs..like crunches [?]..Or wutever..

Posted by aZnSwtHart on 05-09-2002 04:27 PM:

weLL..to start out...1 pak.....hm...crunches..thnx

Posted by seung ju on 05-09-2002 04:31 PM:

yeah, crunches are good. do about 100 a day and you'll start to see some results after a while.

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-09-2002 05:17 PM:

you know, if you are like even a little fat won't the accumulation of the newly developed ab muscle just push out that fat making you look more fat in effect? Or...? I just thought about it cause a lot of fat girls (no offense) say they do them and they don't have flat stomachs, and it would make sense. Or does doing that excercise burn fat there?

Posted by seung ju on 05-09-2002 05:32 PM:

i dunno, all i know is that it worked for me, but then again, i'm skinny as hell.

Posted by MellowYellow on 05-09-2002 08:27 PM:

make sure you do some cardio stuff too with those crunches

in my aerobics class we ..... do the aerobics (duh) which is the cardio part... and then we do.. weight training and also floor excercises (like crunches and all them lovely things.. ack... lactic acid building up! feel the burn!!)

so ... well my teacher says running is the BEST thing to do... it helps you loose the chub... and give you a toned body! ... yea i know..... running SUCKS.... start out slow though... i'm still only doing 20-30 minute runs.... but i started at 10-15

hope my info was right... cardio + crunches= toned body?

hopefully..... i'm starting to see some results... SOME....

Posted by neXt on 05-31-2002 01:26 PM:

Originally posted by PsychoSnowman
you know, if you are like even a little fat won't the accumulation of the newly developed ab muscle just push out that fat making you look more fat in effect? Or...? I just thought about it cause a lot of fat girls (no offense) say they do them and they don't have flat stomachs, and it would make sense. Or does doing that excercise burn fat there?

The exercise would burn the fat.. The only reason why someone who is doing a lot of exercising and not seeing any results is because of the dieting.

Abs are mostly made with proper diets. I mean, you can do all the crunches and exercise you want but if your not dieting right and still got fat in that area, you are never gonna see any abs or get it flat. Thats why you see lots of skinny guys with 6 pacs.. cuz they dont got any fat in that area.

Jus remember that in any exercise/workout program, the actual workout is only half of it.. your diet is the other half an djust as important.

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-28-2002 07:31 AM:

i want abs too :sad: but i used to do them faithfully every nite and nevr saw ne results so i stopped. if diet is important, wut shud i eat to help?

Posted by Ladi Jay on 06-28-2002 01:41 PM:

no one wants to do something like that by themselves... and when they don't have someone to do it with them, they don't feel like they need to and they don't have the inspiration to do it...

aznswthart... find a friend or sister to do it with you...

Posted by bigChubuff on 06-28-2002 03:30 PM:


dont eat ramyun

Posted by krnxswat on 06-28-2002 04:51 PM:

i get really tired after 20

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by Nojeel on 06-30-2002 12:25 AM:

well..diet works, but i have some better recommendations


Posted by Nojeel on 06-30-2002 12:26 AM:

don't eat or drink anything that has alot of carbohydrates..carbohydrates turns into fat...so if you want to eat lah myun (noodles) eat it raw..if you want a soft drink or something..drink a diet one..i'd really recommend this.. get a slim fast drink, freeze it and when it's completely frozen.. eat it..it will fill you up..and you probably won't be able to finish it.. and if you need a snack..chex mix is great, it has a lot of vitamins for chips.. i'd also recommend power bars.. they are the best..they're not all that great in taste..but you can bear with it..always eat half of what you normally eat also...

your not also gonna get great abs without some aerobics or cardio excersices..you need to have your heart rate up, running excersices gets your body toned..so do some explosive excersices after your crunches, situps, leg raises, etc.. cause you don't use that much muscle in any other part of your body except your stomach.. be sure to remember to get your sides as well..and your lower abdomine.. you don't want a two pack on your upper abs while having a round fat, flabby lower and sides of your abdomine.. as mostly everyone knows..you can lay on your side and do crunches..here's another way..

ok yall..this is gonna sound ghetto..but it works.. you are all famaliar with the ab roller and the torso tiger right?.. well there's a equipment that you can use just like it.. your vaccum..
it does the same motion and give you the same result..but please.. stretch before you use your vaccum (if you want to try).. it doesn't pull you back cause there's no resistance.. so you have to pull yourself back..which is harder..but it works great on your triceps, should, chest and back.. just roll the same way you see the ab roller on tv.. it really works

if you need any more tips..i have alot more..but i am kinda tired of typing right now.. so if you need any more questions or tips..i will answer all your question to the best of my ability and experience


Posted by aZnSwtHart on 06-30-2002 12:29 AM:

omgsh! yooh noe alotta stuff..thnx everyone! better start working those abz!!!

Posted by Nojeel on 06-30-2002 12:36 AM:

good luck aznswthart..remember.. it takes dedication.. when you think you can't do it anymore..push your self more..and when you've pushed yourself..do it one more time.. be sure to do them all properlly..don't cheat yourself by doing your excersices the wrong way.. once again good luck..and keep on staying healthy


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