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[multi] Friendship *short*

Friendship part 1

MinWoo and I are bestfriend , and we’re always hang out together , with junjin dongwan and hyesung. I really treasure the friendship between us.
Since me and MinWoo are really close sometimes people think that we’re dating even the 3 of them also think like that. But to tell the truth is I’ve been hiding all of my feeling for him , I’m too scared that if he knew the truth he’ll run away from me so I choose to stay like this.
Now MinWoo is sitting besides me at the class and he’s talking with me while the others sit at the back and leave us alone.
“Hey Ingrid do you know that I’m going to move to US right?” he asked me.
“Yeah I know” I nodded my head ‘man! I’m going to miss him’ I thought myself.
“Please pray for me that I can go to New York okay?” he pleaded me.
“New York? I thought you’re going to Oklahoma!” I answer in a surprised tone.
“Uh-huh you remember the girl that I told you before, the one that I let you see the picture!” asked MinWoo to me.
“Oh that cyber friend of yours?” I asked him again.
“Yeah that’s her , if I go to NY that’s mean I can met her” he said happily.
Jealousy slips through my heart but I just ignore it and try to joke with him “hohohoho really? Yeah okay hope you can’t go there!” I stuck out my tongue while teasing him.
“Hmphh you! I thought we’re friend!” he says while he try to tickle me.
I hurriedly run to where the other sit “Guys help me!! MinWoo going to tickle me”
“Hahahahaha come on MinWoo and Ingrid don’t you guys dating in here this is a classroom!” teasing JunJin while the others laugh.
I look at JunJin with a sad puppy eyes pretend that I’m going to cry “JunJinie! How could you? I thought you say we’re a couple”
“Huh?” DongWan looked in disbelief his eyes almost plopped down.
HyeSung and MinWoo almost jawdrops when they heard my saying.
JunJin stand up and knock my head lightly “Aiks you babo yah! See that the 3 other idiots think that’s true and besides I won’t dating with you , cause I’m not a gay!” say JunJin while he tried to escape from me , I begin to chase him try to make him regret after his saying.
The other 3 sit there and shook their head and laugh loudly with our childishness.

It’s my friend b’day party her sweet 17th b’day party , we’re all invited to the party , and I’ve prepared hurriedly at Maggie’s house.
Suddenly my cell phone ring.
[Hey where are you now?]
“MinWoo? I’m at maggie’s house now”
[so how you go to the party?]
“I Don’t know maybe by taxi”
[taxi? I better pick you and maggie’s up]
“Are you sure?”
[yupes , wait for me in front in 5 minutes]
Then he hung up the phone.
Maggie is smiling besides me , cause she heard all the conversation and I know she’s trying to do something in the way to the party.
“Don’t you dare do anything stupid in the car okay?” I give her a threatening look.
“Uh-huh” she say while try to hold her laugh.

Me and Maggie get to MinWoo car.
“Hi MinWoo” we both say in unison.
Maggie pushes me to sit in the front with MinWoo while he sit at the backseat. I give her a evil glare. She just giggling while looking at my behavior.
“Hey Maggie haven’t see you in years” MinWoo try to begin the conversation while he drive the car.
“Yeah I know.” Replied Maggie nonchalantly.
“Hey MinWoo where’s the rest of them?” I asked him
“The 3 of them already go there” he reply me while he’s still focusing on his driving.
“Oh okay” I replied him.
I heard Maggie giggling at the back seat so I turned around and looked at her.
“Oh yeah how you get home after the party?” asks MinWoo to me.
“Uhm I don’t know yet” I answer while looking at him.
“I’ll take you home then!” he answer me.
“Are you sure?” I asked him in disbelief “It’s kinda far away from your house.”
He nodded his head “Yeah of course! , I won’t let girl walk alone at night!” he says while smiling at me.
Then Maggie giggling again at the back seat.
Both me and MinWoo asked her in unison.
“Maggie’s? anything wrong with you?”
“Uhmm nothing , nothing wrong you guys just go ahead talking, just ignore me okay , I don’t mean to disturb you , just think that I’m invisible okay?”
“Huh? What?” I asked her I can feel my face blushing but luckily it’s at night so they can’t see it.
“Oh so you’re jealous with us huh? hahahahahaha ow I know Ingrid she’s jealous with us! Aww come on Maggie you just ruin our fun” joked MinWoo.
I looking at him confusedly I don’t know whether he’s joking or not.
Arrive at the party, it seems like the others are to busy with their stuff , so we stick together , while the others look us like I’ve done something wrong.
Liz the b’day girl match me and MinWoo together on her party , she match me and him on the candle session , she called 17 pairing and yeah me and MinWoo.
While we’re holding the candle he start to blabbering “Hey why you girls like this kind of stuff?” he whisper to me.
“I don’t know” I shook my head.
“Urghh I wanted to go to the toilet!!!” says MinWoo again “It’s your fault to let me stuck in here” he try to make me feel guilty by saying this.
“What you blame me on this? I don’t even know about this , if you want balme just blame the b’day girl okay?” I looked at him.
JunJin , DongWan and HyeSung sitting at the corner and looking at out little fight while they just shook their head.

MinWoo and me sitting together while eating and we’re talking seriously about the cybering stuff suddenly
“MinWoo do you feel that our surrounding is become more quite?” I asked him.
“Yeah I think so too” he replied me and the both of us turn our head, DongWan , JunJin , HyeSung ,Maggie and some others are sitting there looking at us.
“Hahahaha you guys date so seriously!” says DongWan to us.
I looked at DongWan “Huh?? how long have you guys move your sit to the back?”
“Long enough Ingrid!” replied HyeSung “And you just realized just now! Geez…”
Minwoo suddenly stand up “Hey come on Ingrid let us sit at the corner so nobody can bother us” he says while try to grab my wrist , I just looked at him dumbfounded with what he just say.
“Aww you guys are so cutie!!!” comment Maggie.
“Uhm yeah okay let’s go somewhere else MinWoo” I stuck put my tongue the the guys and move to other way.

Everything going out fine , me and MinWoo getting closer each day , and my feeling for him grew up stronger maybe he knows bout it but maybe he don’t.
We usually hang out together with our friends and on this Easter day we’re going to go out together again , but only me and him , actually I was the one who drag him to go out with me , uhm and then I decided to bring 1 other friend , he’s HeeJun , HeeJun was supposed to pick him up that day.
Heejun kinda late that day, I’ve waited MinWoo and Heejun to come to my house but they’re late , so I called MinWoo.
“MinWoo how come you still at home???” I asked him annoyingly.
[Heejun haven’t come yet , he told me to wait for him]
“Urgghhh aww you guys are really2 slow!”
[Yeah sorry but it’s not my fault , heejun is the one who late to pick me up]
“I’m going to kill him when you guys arrived here” I told him “you guys come right away after heejun arrived okay?”
[ yeah no prob]

I waited for 2 hours then I received a called from Heejun.
“Heejun where are you why you haven’t arrived yet???” I asked him with kind of high tone I really don’t like to wait this long.
[I’ve got something to tell you , MinWoo’s house is full with police now , they say that MinWoo and her mother are send to hospital]
“Is he okay?” I asked him worriedly.
[I Don’t know yet but I’m going to the hospital now , I’ll cal you right after I get to the hospital]

I waited for 10 minutes when heejun called me back.
“Junie how’s MinWoo?” I asked him worriedly.
[I’ve got a bad news]
“Bad news?”
[Minwoo already passed away]
[Hello? You still there?]
“You must be kidding right??? this isn’t funny HeeJun!”
[ I’m not that crazy I won’t be joking bout friends life]
“I….” I feel my tears start to fall
[we’re at the xxx hospital now]
“Okay I come right away”

I hung up the phone and go to the church , I know that all of my friends would be there, when I arrived I hurriedly run to the church.
I met Fanny he’s standing there waiting for her girlfriend Fannie.
“Fanny! I got something to tell you” I yelled at him
“Ingrid? You come to church???” he asked me in disbelief.
“MinWoo already passed away” I told him
“What? MinWoo? LeeMinWoo? You must be kidding right? I just play basketball with him yesterday!” says Fanny.
“I’m not kidding why don’t you believe me?” I yelled in frustaion while my tears started to flow again.
Fanny is dumbfounded when he saw this he telling our friend bout what happen to MinWoo.
After telling them I go to the hospital and I see DongWan , JunJin , HyeSung , and JunJin already arrived there.
I just sit down without saying anything and so do they , just sitting and cry , still can’t believe what happen to MinWoo.
While I’m sobbing I still can believe the truth ‘Oh God please tell that’s only a mistake , I prefer that this is just a joke’

To be continued….

How do you guys think bout this story?
This is a true story of mine , I just change the character name , but Ingrid is really my name , I just change the other character’s name.
This tragic story happening to me on 15th april on the easter day.
Send your comment to me okay? I’m going to continue this fanfic.
I wanted to dedicate this story for my friend who is now already rest in peace.
I know that you always watching for us from the heaven above.

Last edited by MinWoo4ever on 04-25-2002 at 05:11 AM

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Old Post 04-25-2002 04:59 AM
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Friendship part 2 of 2 [multi]

Friendship part 2

I’m sitting alone in front of the hospital , while I can see that the other guys sitting together without saying a bit word , their head hung down and all of them look so sad.
I feel my vision went blurry , then YooMi come closer to me she come and hug me and give me a comfort , but I can feel that she’s trembling too.
“YooMi ya tell me it’s just a joke right?” I asked her between my sob.
YooMi tapped my shoulder lightly “We must face it Ingrid , he’s already leaving us , me myself still can’t believe it too”
“Who dare to did this to him??? Why him? He’s a nice person” I asked YooMi.
“I don’t know either but I guess HeeJun and the others know the real reason of it.” Answer YooMi
I and YooMi decided to asked HeeJun about it , we’re walking to where they’re sitting.
“HeeJun … who did this?” I asked him in a small voice almost whispering.
HeeJun looking at me and YooMi.
“Come on HeeJun we need to tell the truth” I say to him.
While Yoomi try to calm me down.
“They stab him.” Answer HeeJun to us.
“Who?” I asked him again “ please tell me the what’s the hell is going on today, please HeeJun” I pleaded him.
“Okay , I heard from MinWoo’s aunt who sit over there” he says while pointing to MinWoo’s aunt “MinWoo is already prepared to go to your house , when he heard the dorrbell rang, so he decided to open the door, the 2 guys are his mom employee so he did open the door for that 2 man.” HeeJun held his breath for a moment ,”MinWoo told his mom that he employees want to meet her and when her mom already go to the garage where that 2 man waiting for him , MinWoo follow slowly from behind , he saw that 2 man already hit her mom with hammer and trying stab her , so he decided to rescue her , but MinWoo not that strong he can’t beat that 2 guy , he got 6 stab on her chess and others in his foot , he die because they stab him right through his heart” explain HeeJun to me and YooMi.
I really don’t know what else should I say , I really hate HeeJun now , I mean if HeeJun didn’t late than MinWoo don’t have to die , he late for 1 and a half hour! I really2 hate him. If he didn’t late MinWoo is still alive and going out with me and him.

I decided to go back home cause there’s useless for me since the police took his body for autoption and making a report.

The situation at school’s are really different from the days before , I’m sitting there with all my closed friends. JunJin, DongWan, HyeSung ,TaeWoo and JaeWon. We’re sitting together at our classroom still can’t believe what happened yesterday.
I suddenly start to speak ,”He usually come late to class” I told them , then their eyes are all looking at me “He like to move his seat to here , he like to sit beside/ behind or sometimes in front of me.”
JunJin tapped my shoulder lightly “I know he like to joking with you.”
“He sometime might be annoying but he’s such a nice person , I just can’t believe it that they could do such thing to him.” I talk in a soft voice.
“If I caught that 2 man I swear I’m gonna kill them!” says HyeSung kind of loud while he’s punching the wall.
JunJin tried to hold him back.
“HyeSung stop hurting yourself!” yelled DongWan “All of us are really sad to lost a friend like him, and I’m sure that he don’t want to see us like this”
“He’s going to US really soon why it has to end like this?” asked JaeWon.
We remain silent and it seems that our teacher understand our feeling and not giving us any classes today.
I’m so sad I thought that we’ll be graduated together but we’re not , I thought that he’ll teasing me when he already arrived at US and when he entered his fave college. But it won’t happen anymore.

We’re visiting to the mort , he still laying there , his body already stiff but his eyes won’t close, we tried to close his eyes but still his eyes won’t close.
JunJin decided to give a prayer to him , we pray together and when I heard JunJin prayer my tears flows from my eyes through my cheeks and my vision really2 blurry , I tried to hold it back but this time it’s really hard , so I just let all the sadness out.

I visited him with friends everyday at the mort, There’s
3 girls who used to closed with him but they’re no so closed anymore I don’t know why but I’m not dare asking him that question before. They’re Jessy , Vero and MiYoen , I don’t know Vero seems like not happy seeing me and Maggie’s at the mort , she’s staring at us suspiciously and I just tried to ignore her besides I don’t really care bout her anyway. I was kind of angry while I see the 3 of them , how can they crying in front a lot of peoples and then the other minute they’re talking with somebody else laughing and not looking sad at all , are they pretending or what? It’s really get on my nerve , but it’s just their business I don’t have to give a sh*t about it. So Me and Friends are talking bout the memories we have with him for the day.

Their family decided not to buried him , they think it’ll be more easier with cremation.

Almost the whole school go for the cremation , we’re looking at his coffin for the one last time. Put some flower on his coffin. Everything seems to fast for me.

We’re start our usual days again without MinWoo , everything seems so awkward , I feel so lonely , usually we’re like to make a fun of each other , sometimes we like to make fun of YooMi. When we have a test we would study together , but now I’m all alone.
He’s already left us but he’s my friend , my best friend and also my chut sarang , I will never forget him , cause I know he always watching for us from the sky above.

Uhm maybe this story is kind of boring , but it’s truly a true story.
“In Memories Of Our Beloved Friends”

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Old Post 04-25-2002 05:02 AM
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sweet taeng
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Registered: Dec 2002
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u'r story is so sad..
can't believe this can happen to u....
at first i'm happy with the story..i think that at last u en min woo become a couple that actually min woo loves u too....
but as i read again i just shocked....omg..why this must happen..
well....u'r story is very touching.......
good luck 4 u n hope he will rest in peace..(i'm sure he will)..

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Old Post 12-30-2002 02:32 PM
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