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Posted by hnefrdo on 02-21-2004 08:35 PM:

i gave the using-money-to-light-cigars example in my xanga post. here's a few personal examples that support my argument. there are two examples i can think of, now, as of people i hate.

one of which is my bestfrend in middle school. he's an ass now and talks shit behind my back. this one falls under betrayal. i know quite of few more people that think they hate me and talks shit behind my back, but i never became good frends with these people. i don't hate them.

the other that i have in mind is, actually, the same guy. he's a complete asshole and his dad bought him a hella nice car. i've been to his house, that's nice as hell, too. it's unfair. im jealous.

practice makes perfect.


Posted by aaqthree on 02-21-2004 10:05 PM:

So that explains why it's true FOR YOU, yet does not say ANYTHING about the rest of society. Obviously, you value loyalty, so this friend's 'betrayal' and backbiting gets to you.

I'll give you an example of someone I hate...let's call him person X. Person X was in quite a few of my classes one year. He paid attention in them but would always end up asking the same questions repeatedly. At this point, I was just annoyed with him. However, in one of his classes, he would continuously bother this other person, who was not popular in the least (this was a girl, I'll call her person Y). Now I don't particularly care for Y either, but I could tell that X's constant berating of Y was getting to her, she always looked rather annoyed at him, sometimes looked even depressed. Person X either never noticed this or never cared, but since it was blatantly obvious that whenever he was bothering her, she'd get either really angry or really reclusive, I think it was too obvious for him not to have notice (meaning that he probably did notice, and just didn't care).

I hate person X. And whenever he asks me what he did to me that caused my hatred for him, I always say that it doesn't matter what he did to me.

There's another person I hate who is really just stupid. His stupidity causes him to make really, really offensive comments to me and those close to me. Often times those comments are racist. It bothers me that someone can be that stupid and not realize what he's saying before he's saying them. I don't believe he's truly a racist person; I think he tries too hard to make jokes (he's probably overheard my friends and I make jokes about our different ethnicities and thought he could make one, too...yeah, that didn't really work out), and doesn't know how incredibly offensive his comments may seem.

Posted by Alchemist on 02-21-2004 11:00 PM:

"Yeah we have a bit of a problem here…"

I’m just going to requote:

Originally posted by hnefrdo
im just gonna restate. your're confusing something else with hate. hate is an extreme and is often wrongly used to describe a simple annoyance. if yu still think otherwise, provide a counter-example for me.

And I'm just gonna relink

Posted by Alchemist on 02-22-2004 04:01 AM:

Originally posted by MellowYellow

I think you were referring to my creative writing topic with the iambic pentameter bit. I resent you for poking fun at that. Even though it was for a school assignment, there was truth in it.

Just wanted to let you know that I did not know you had posted that topic until you said you thought I was referring to it. So I wasn't poking fun at that as I did not know about it.

Posted by hnefrdo on 02-22-2004 08:20 AM:

Originally posted by aaqthree
So that explains why it's true FOR YOU, yet does not say ANYTHING about the rest of society.

those are just, again, examples. i shouldn't have to go through every possibility of a root for hatred. i didn't have the guy in my example in mind when i wrote the entry. it, actually, took me a while to remember about his existence when trying to give another example. he moved away a while ago.

as for the rest of wut yu said, i'll let those that read this thread decide for themselves if it's hate, or if yu even have a reason to hate. though, in the end, yu are the only one who knows the details.

practice makes perfect.


Posted by MellowYellow on 02-22-2004 11:26 AM:

OMG. Fine I was just saying how Alchemist's argument didn't make sense TO ME and he was saying how Henford's statement didn't make sense to him. So what now... You just couldn't take the fact that your argument didn't make sense to me? Fine, deal with it. I give up on this topic.

I expressed my opinions. I am extremeley annoyed with Alchemist's smart ass comments. If that makes me immature then so be it.

*i have no problem with aaqthree's points. *

Alchemist... who are you to say that what henford said was WRONG? YOU even said that everyone has different opinions about different things. I guess ironically, I don't think henford is wrong... He made a lot of good points, it doesn't matter that not everything was specifically outlined to me. He made a lot of good points that made sense. The only one you made was that "everyone has different opinions about everything" That "goes without saying" -_-.

I hate google cache.

Posted by aaqthree on 02-22-2004 04:08 PM:

Originally posted by MellowYellow
OMG. Fine I was just saying how Alchemist's argument didn't make sense TO ME and he was saying how Henford's statement didn't make sense to him. So what now... You just couldn't take the fact that your argument didn't make sense to me? Fine, deal with it. I give up on this topic.

I expressed my opinions. I am extremeley annoyed with Alchemist's smart ass comments. If that makes me immature then so be it.

What exactly are his "smart ass comments"? Henford claimed that I was using "hate" in a wrong way and Alchemist just said that that use might not be wrong.

*i have no problem with aaqthree's points. *

Thank you.

Alchemist... who are you to say that what henford said was WRONG? YOU even said that everyone has different opinions about different things. I guess ironically, I don't think henford is wrong... He made a lot of good points, it doesn't matter that not everything was specifically outlined to me. He made a lot of good points that made sense. The only one you made was that "everyone has different opinions about everything" That "goes without saying" -_-.

Well, what he said was wrong was Henford saying that a certain usage of the word "hatred" was wrong. That was really his only contention. His statement that there are many different definitions for all the different types of people just adds to his argument.


as for the rest of wut yu said, i'll let those that read this thread decide for themselves if it's hate, or if yu even have a reason to hate. though, in the end, yu are the only one who knows the details.

Stop patronizing. Whether or not I have a suitable reason to hate does not change the feeling inside of me. As for whether or not it is actual hatred...when I detest someone's existance, I think I can call it hatred.

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