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Posted by heyitzsaemyi on 08-16-2003 04:23 PM:


if u r Christian, do u hab to not use bad language??
nd lyke i posted sumthing on mai xanga, w/ bad language in it... nd dis guy at my church read it..
nd he came up to me nd waz like y r u using so much bad language on yer xanga nd stuff..
but i kinda got pissed cause itz my life nd he cant tell me wut to do..
but waz he right? or wut?
cause i feel conFUSED!!

Posted by keyx1o6 on 08-19-2003 05:18 AM:

you're right.. it's your life and he can't tell you what to do.

what keeps you from stealing or murdering?

cuz God tells you not to, right? and you know you're gonna be a better person for obeying.

and... you gotta remember that by saying you're a Christian, you're representing Jesus wherever you go, whatever you do. if you say something rude or disgusting or whatever, you're making it worse for the rest of the Christians out there.

Posted by Spartan on 08-20-2003 06:02 AM:

ask him why he's busy judging others and not himself.

that's a problem with people, they think they're more righteous than anyone else.

god loves u, he knows u, and made you. i think ur salvation should be more important then some bad words.

**rei ayanami is hot**

Posted by YaaMaKoh on 08-20-2003 06:14 AM:

it is your life, but is it the life that God wants through him? in my opinion, i think ur controlling your life your own way rather than the way through christianity. you must understand, once you are blessed, you must change for christ... of other people find it rude that u cuss and the way u act, imagine how God would feel about it. yes, he still loves you, but mabye a little change for him would make him happier. the guy that confronted you on your xanga, hes just meaning good will. cussing does degrade you in ways, and as for me i learned to stop myself... although its hard. not just for me, but for God as well, i changed my ways all for him, and through that im happy and since im a better person, my relationship with God grows stronger, and my relationship with people grows stronger as well. dont get angry, i do the same to other people too... cause the change that you do for God that he helps you to accomplish through him is great.


Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 08-21-2003 10:43 PM:

well maybe it was just a simple thing like.. a question.

if i knew you in a certain way for several years... and all of a sudden... you curse.. i would be like. "why are you cursing?"

if you really want to be true to yourself... then curse everywhere.. or not curse at all.. if it truly is your life.. then be real to yourself and God. Unless you already know why you shouldn't curse. d=D i made no sense.



Posted by YaaMaKoh on 08-22-2003 02:43 AM:

oofz.. i kinda got where u were coming from? .. hehe
but i do agree about being true to urself part. ^__^


Posted by kiggaplease on 08-22-2003 03:32 AM:


Billy Graham: Bible commands us not to use unwholesome language


DEAR DR. GRAHAM: What is your definition of cursing and swearing? I admit I picked up a lot of bad language when I was in the service, and I've tried to stop now that I've become a Christian. But where do I draw the line between bad language and language that's not so bad? -- D.S.

DEAR D.S.: Swearing is the use of any language that uses God's name in a thoughtless or harsh way. Cursing includes judging another person in language that only God can rightfully use (e.g., when we condemn someone to Hell).

Although the use of God's name in casual conversation has become very common today, the Bible calls us to a much higher standard. One of the Ten Commandments declares, "You shall not misuse the name of the Lord your God, for the Lord will not hold anyone guiltless who misuses his name" (Exodus 20:7).

Why is this? One reason is because swearing and cursing show disrespect for God. If someone used your name in a disrespectful or mocking way, it wouldn't only upset you, but also it would show they were unconcerned about you or even despised you. In a far greater way, when we use the name of God casually, it indicates we are unconcerned about Him or may even despise Him. The Bible says, "Above all, my brothers, do not swear" (James 5:12).

Don't try to draw a line between what is bad and what isn't so bad. Instead, ask God to help you avoid all language that is crude or disrespectful, either of God or of others. The Bible says, "Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up" (Ephesians 4:29).

I know that people don't appreciate harsh criticism, but perhaps the person cares more about your life than you think. Whatever his/her motives are, please keep in mind that your life is meant to glorify God

Posted by YaaMaKoh on 08-22-2003 03:41 AM:



Posted by aznkid1008 on 08-22-2003 04:04 AM:

Originally posted by Spartan
ask him why he's busy judging others and not himself.

let the first stone be thrown by those who r sinless.

he has no place 2 say that i agree. and heck for those who kno me i cant say that or i will be struck down by lighting. u hav 2 make ur choice cause it is ur life. so good luck

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by Spartan on 08-23-2003 01:26 AM:

lol, saw a cartoon with jesus talking to a crowd, and saying "let the person without sin throw the first stone"

and then the pope is behind him throwing stones at gay people.

it was funni.

**rei ayanami is hot**

Posted by kryogenix on 09-07-2003 02:21 PM:

Originally posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU
if you really want to be true to yourself... then curse everywhere.. or not curse at all.. if it truly is your life.. then be real to yourself and God. Unless you already know why you shouldn't curse. d=D i made no sense.

Posted by kryogenix on 09-07-2003 02:21 PM:

Originally posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU
if you really want to be true to yourself... then curse everywhere.. or not curse at all.. if it truly is your life.. then be real to yourself and God. Unless you already know why you shouldn't curse. d=D i made no sense.

so you're saying curse in front of little kids

Posted by Alchemist on 09-07-2003 06:51 PM:

Originally posted by kryogenix
so you're saying curse in front of little kids

No really, how long does the average American child stay in the prelapsarian?

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