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Posted by Alchemist on 02-18-2003 03:55 PM:

That's our Bush

I just saw an episode of this, it's so funny. Bush bans guns because he called a psychic hotline and she drew the "death" card.

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 02-18-2003 08:50 PM:

yea i saw that one haha

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by Mash1mar0 on 02-19-2003 01:58 AM:

they still playing that show? i saw that show like... errrrr.. back in 2000..... ? wut channel? wut time?


with onE magic pill i EscapE from painful rEality and Enter the wholE nEw diffErEnt world....

I'm not addictEd... I can stop anytimE i want to...

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 02-19-2003 02:28 AM:

that show sucked. it was really stupid.

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