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Posted by yupkipucca on 04-02-2002 03:44 PM:

Question Question for the guys...

i'm not supposed to be here but...
how do you act differently around a girl that you like? so like how can the girl tell that the guy likes her?

<~ credits to huby.. thanx so much! ^^

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 04-02-2002 04:41 PM:

haha.. it really depends.. not on the gurl but on the guy.. if he's confident with who he is .. he'd probably show it.. if he's kind of a shy guy.. then he'll be even more shy.. if he's kind of the brainiac .. he'll say it indirectly.. so watch for it.. if he's the macho one.. he'll show you his machoness (for example.. show off.. either him or his car or whatever .. just impress) .. if he's kind of young.. he'll be retarded.. no doubt.. if he's not any of the above then you've hit the jackpot.. he's probably a lil bit of everything i mentioned and some more.. then he'll be honest and all that good stuff.. but i cant really think of anyone like that.. maybe earl who has taken a liking to my banana.. muhahhahahhahaha.. there are more types of guys .. i myself am kind of a self doubter.. so i guess i'd be sneaky about it .. or just not say anything at all.. sucks to be me.. but then again.. im old.. so its ok..



Posted by krnxswat on 04-02-2002 06:35 PM:

Re: Question for the guys...

Originally posted by aznsweety
i'm not supposed to be here but...
how do you act differently around a girl that you like? so like how can the girl tell that the guy likes her?

haha hmm.. im usually the shy thype around girls.. and especially around the girl i lyke.. so i dont realli speak..^^;
haha im not trying to b shy nemore

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by seung ju on 04-02-2002 06:55 PM:

yeah, i kinda doubt myself sometimes, so its hard for me to approach a girl i like sometimes.

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 04-02-2002 11:20 PM:

see what i mean??.. d=D



Posted by yupkipucca on 04-03-2002 09:44 AM:

then would u say that most korean guys would act shy?

<~ credits to huby.. thanx so much! ^^

Posted by krnxswat on 04-03-2002 09:47 AM:

Originally posted by aznsweety
then would u say that most korean guys would act shy?

not all the Korean guys are shy.. i was just saying i was shy..^^; but some of my Korean friends are shy too... some of Korean guys are lyke energetic and active..mollA ^^;

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 04-03-2002 03:27 PM:

what kinda dood is he?.. and i'll tell you if he likes you or not..



Posted by yupkipucca on 04-04-2002 03:33 PM:

well... hez kinda not a studying type and stuff so id usually never give him the time of day, but i got to know him through my parentz and stuff... when it's just us, he always sits right next to me even if there's a different sofa, he asks me if i'm like hungry, thirsty, and stuff.... and he's just really nice.. but once we were with other pplz too and they were his friends.. (i thought that they were immature and jerks..) and he totally ignored me.. only his cousin paid attention to me and his cousin did everything that i asked for and he asked me if i wanted to watch something first and stuff (i knew his cousin since forever cause his cousin's dad and my dad knew eachother from college) so i got really confused and stuff... itz probably just me, but he's usually not talkative, but around me he like never stops talking... and i guess he usually doesn't care about what girls think because he thinks that guys are "better" or something, but when itz just us, hez really sweet and stuff... i dunno.. :huh:

<~ credits to huby.. thanx so much! ^^

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 04-10-2002 10:07 PM:

ok .. i know him.. he's only one of billions.. he's the.. "im a dude" dude.. explanation? here it goes

when a guy decides to sit on the same couch, or offer a girl a drink or whatever.. its called mannerisms. they learned to do that an early age because it was taught that it was rude if they did not. please do not mistake that for affection. I do that too.. does that mean i like the girl? hell noo... means that im polite and i have some manners. d=) so lets get into specifics shall we?

how does he act around you when you guys are alone? you claim he's sweet. i guess you can call that showing affection.. but then again.. you can call that being sweet. y'know what im shayin??? can go either way

he's mad sweet and goofy round you.. but once he's around his homeboyz he's "the dude" and neglects you totally and puts up a "homeboy" front.. i hate these boyz. cuz thats what they are .. boyz. but y'know what?? a boyz reputation these days seem more important than anything else.. when i say boy i mean like up to like 17... and im sure you as a girl can understand that boyz will come n go but your friends will be there for life.. right?.. yeah same thing with homies.. so what does that mean you ask?? that.. could go both ways too.. you can claim that as affection or dismiss it totally.. i cant tell you cuz i dunno you or him..

basically i think i know more than i know but im talking in circles and im leading you to confusion rather than conclusion by leading you to forks in the roads by stating that it can and cannot be the obvious and those roads in itself is a circle leading you to the original question .. d=D im retarded! hahhahhaha..
besides you guys are too young to date.. i tell all my friends that ... and if they dont listen i beatemup.. so listen to me.. or i'll beat you up!



Posted by True Life on 04-11-2002 06:47 PM:

that kid sounds like a motherqueering fagnut. when he's being really sweet to you... he's just tryin to get into your panties.

if he can't act the same w/ you around his friends, then all the niceness is an act. or maybe he puts on an act for his friends. either way he's two faced. stay away.

well pretty much anytime a guy is being nice to you he's trying to get into your panties. that's a lesson all girls should learn. learn it good.

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 04-11-2002 07:41 PM:


P.S. true life is one of the nicest guys i know.. so listen to him.. but im nicer d=D



Posted by Alchemist on 04-20-2002 04:13 PM:

how do you act when your being sincere?

Posted by aznkid1008 on 04-26-2002 06:08 PM:

and i thought there was only a science for girls. i didnt kno we were so damn complicated. we like a girl we act all weird. not hard 2 miss. but wit the dude type of guy i would have 2 agree

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