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Posted by * Liah * on 02-02-2003 02:17 AM:

bitching off mother

Do you people have a mom who always yells at you about school... and where ever you go with her.. she'll always talk about school?

My mom always yells at me about school and she says she wants me to be competitive in school like you know I don't know she wants me to be the best out of my friends.. But I like where I am and if I told her that she would just like yell at me more.. She said it was suppose to be my pride to be competitive.. but I think it's her's because she tells me like stuff about when she was in school and stuff...

"Oh when I went to school I never went to sleep until I memorized all my vocabs" blah blah blah.. and she tells this to me everyday... I just want her to leave me alone.. God...

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 02-02-2003 02:20 AM:

haha dats funny. my mom doesnt get on my case cause i do good. also ur mom might yell less if you start hanging out with stupider kids. then u can be the smartest outa all them.

Posted by Chinesegrl on 02-02-2003 02:23 AM:

my mom doesn't do that since i have i 4.0 gpa at school which is the highest too since its a middle school
jus tell yu've had too much and yu'll try ur best

Posted by * Liah * on 02-02-2003 02:25 AM:

Originally posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23
haha dats funny. my mom doesnt get on my case cause i do good. also ur mom might yell less if you start hanging out with stupider kids. then u can be the smartest outa all them.

I don't hang out with stupid kids.. my friends are like smart.. they're all like better grades and whatever

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 02-02-2003 02:34 AM:

i kno i was saying if you start hanging out with the dumb kids, your grades will seem higher in comparison to theirs, making your mom maybe not get so mad. (it was a joke.)

Posted by merdawg on 02-02-2003 03:00 AM:

Originally posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23
i kno i was saying if you start hanging out with the dumb kids, your grades will seem higher in comparison to theirs, making your mom maybe not get so mad. (it was a joke.)

kevin..stop!! lol.

hmmm.....it probably is her dream to be the smartest and not urs, but u dont have that motivation to be the best?


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 02-02-2003 03:03 AM:

Originally posted by merdawg
kevin..stop!! lol.

hmmm.....it probably is her dream to be the smartest and not urs, but u dont have that motivation to be the best?

i dont have motivation to be smart cause im happy with my grades. i got a 101 avg plus i am top 3 in track in the school so im happy.

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 02-02-2003 03:48 AM:

Originally posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23
i kno i was saying if you start hanging out with the dumb kids, your grades will seem higher in comparison to theirs, making your mom maybe not get so mad. (it was a joke.)

-_-;; lol man... thats really stupid.... but can help emotionally... my mom never bitches unless i do something really bad


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-02-2003 07:27 AM:

Originally posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23
i dont have motivation to be smart cause im happy with my grades. i got a 101 avg plus i am top 3 in track in the school so im happy.

and ur mom's not satisfied with that? eesh. well, mai mom's like that too. always talking about skool and grades and stuff, and frankly, i'm just startin to care less and less. i mean i work hard and study but it's still not enuff so i'm like wutever. but she still pushes me and nags and tells me to go study more, which can be a good thing and a bad thing. i do wish she wud leave me alone sometimes, but i'll be off to college soon enuff and then she can't do diddly-squat.

Posted by iTsmeehLita on 02-02-2003 07:31 AM:

even tho it doesn't seem like it ... im sure your mother just wants the best for you .. even tho she seems to antagonize you about it all the time ... that's just probably the only way she knows how to try to motivate you ..

our parents come from different generations and expect different things from us. usually its more than we can handle ... but im sure ... all that shes doing .. is "believe it or not" .. out of love :P

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 02-02-2003 02:14 PM:

Originally posted by iTsmeehLita
even tho it doesn't seem like it ... im sure your mother just wants the best for you .. even tho she seems to antagonize you about it all the time ... that's just probably the only way she knows how to try to motivate you ..

wow i totally agree... yeah probably when ur in college when ur mom isn't around anymore you'll remember how she was so annoying nd maybe notice she was just trying to help you, to get your best and stride for more


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 02-02-2003 05:25 PM:

well really thats the motivation behind pretty much everything parents do for thier children. there are few parents who do things just to torture their child or make him/ her fell bad about themself. if a parent is getting on your case solely because they want to make you feel bad, then its the parent, not the child with the problem.

Posted by * Liah * on 02-02-2003 08:01 PM:

Originally posted by merdawg
hmmm.....it probably is her dream to be the smartest and not urs, but u dont have that motivation to be the best?

Sometimes I want to be the best but sometimes I don't because if I be the best I feel that I'm being selfish and I hate being selfish. but I want to be the best so I can go to like a good college.. My mom was yelling at me one time that I was like a problem to her.. I was like her 3rd problem or whatever.. because first was my dad and his medical illness and then my brother and then she said it was me.. and I felt so bad of myself.. and then I feel like grr... committing suicide or something because I'm not good enough..

Posted by merdawg on 02-02-2003 09:38 PM:

Originally posted by * Liah *
Sometimes I want to be the best but sometimes I don't because if I be the best I feel that I'm being selfish and I hate being selfish. but I want to be the best so I can go to like a good college.. My mom was yelling at me one time that I was like a problem to her.. I was like her 3rd problem or whatever.. because first was my dad and his medical illness and then my brother and then she said it was me.. and I felt so bad of myself.. and then I feel like grr... committing suicide or something because I'm not good enough..

im not a parent or anything, and i dont think im ready to be one but i dont think she should call u her problem . i mean it was her decision to bring u into the world. she should call u her Gift .


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by Alchemist on 02-02-2003 11:51 PM:

Some parents try to live their lives through their children.

Posted by MasWusHot on 02-03-2003 12:09 AM:

Originally posted by Alchemist
Some parents try to live their lives through their children.


<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xxkpopxx/bhgft.bmp"><br><br>
its better to lose a lover, than to love a loser

Posted by ajy on 02-03-2003 12:13 AM:

if my mom pisses me off im just like shut the hell up, after that she usually stops

Posted by * Liah * on 02-03-2003 01:17 AM:

Originally posted by AjY 2k
if my mom pisses me off im just like shut the hell up, after that she usually stops

hahaha seriously?

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 02-03-2003 01:22 AM:

Originally posted by AjY 2k
if my mom pisses me off im just like shut the hell up, after that she usually stops

what do you do when she doesnt "kill her and dump her body in a lake" ? - you said that b4 sometime

u do that everytime she doesnt shut up? (thats a joke, im saying you could kill her more than once)

(200th post so dont flame me plz)

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-03-2003 03:51 AM:

Originally posted by merdawg
im not a parent or anything, and i dont think im ready to be one but i dont think she should call u her problem . i mean it was her decision to bring u into the world. she should call u her Gift .

very true. sometimes i also feel like my mom can't be satisfied with my best, but that's the way they are - they keep pushing and pushing because they want the best for you.

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