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-- how often do you skip school? (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=6470)

Posted by Nojeel on 10-11-2002 01:54 AM:

how often do you skip school?

be honest..


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 10-11-2002 03:35 AM:

i've all ready been "sick" about 8 days this year haha staying home doing homework throughout the day, or just sleeping in cause my sleep schedule has gotten so messed up. heh .

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by eddiee on 10-11-2002 03:43 AM:

i use to skip like hell when i was in the 8th grade

one reason moved to nj

Posted by NaRa JjAnG on 10-11-2002 03:52 AM:

umm last year when i was a senior i skipped like crazy...missing one class one day and another class on other days.....i went to school but cut some classes but i skipped school as a whole like a total of 25 days.....and cut classes like 8 tyms a week....



Posted by tm11 on 10-11-2002 03:59 AM:

I skip rarely, but I always get excused from class from the administration all the time because of debate. I've skipped once, and just stayed in the library all day studying (I was later able to get that excused... because of debate), my parents don't let me just skip, and it's hard to without them knowing, and If I did, they wouldn't cover my ass...

word is bond

Posted by Ladi Jay on 10-11-2002 05:34 AM:

uhm, skipping?

hmm, like you mean to stay home? well then, I've done it once so far this year... had my daddy call in for me! yey, love my daddy!

for fun w/ friend without parents knowing? NONE at all

I'm a good girl!

Posted by niggoreanboi on 10-12-2002 06:30 PM:

fukk freshman year i used to cut all d time
sophmore year once in a while
jr year 1 day
right now none

Posted by az0nd2r3 on 10-13-2002 12:04 AM:

never......my parents are always around, n they dont let me stay home..


Posted by iLLmaTiC_aNgeL on 10-13-2002 01:26 AM:

i only cut classes, not school altogether..but i think i only cut the whole school day a few times..

Posted by saranghae on 10-13-2002 01:58 AM:

none... i'm a good girl

Posted by bigChubuff on 10-13-2002 03:18 AM:

last year i skipped regular basis...b/c i had ok grades
i had 2 absence in one class and like 13 absence in another
this year i have a fuckin 73 average...i am fucked
there is no way for me to go to college w/ my grades...duh
only way for me to go is on atheletic scholarship(football)
i'm only a sophomore so i dun have to worry that much

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 10-13-2002 06:00 AM:

chubuff ur a soph? wow i thot u were a lot older
well i've never skipped skool entirely but durin class if i get bored i juss say i needa pee or needa get sumtin from mai locker and then i juss walk around...if i were to walk off campus i'd get caught and mai parents wud kill me - -;;

Posted by yur_swt_angel on 10-13-2002 07:36 AM:

to teyll yu the truth.. imma goot gurl.. i have NEVER EVER skipped skool in my life.. let alone.. be absent.. even if i wush hella sick.. ever since i wush in 3rd grade.. i have never missed ONE dae ob school.. puhaha.. i DISLIKE makeup work.. derfoe i goto skool all the necessary dayz.. lOL :X (before 3rd grade i got realllliiii sick.. i started throwing up sho bad >[ i ate sumfin bad i guess.. sho i had to stey home that dae :x)

Posted by rhymester* on 10-13-2002 07:46 AM:

sometimes i get so tired of school and work, i just don't go for a day or two. usually thats when coming to the end of the semester, i duno why i always do that hahah...too tired to go to school! wat an excuse.

i couldnt miss school much cos they always teach important stuff that i can't miss, if i do i gotta ask from friends to teach me and that'll be a hassle for them!


Posted by DEmeant0r on 10-14-2002 12:11 AM:

I skipped one class last year, got in deep shyt for it, I got too scared that I didn't dare to skip any then.

Website: http://www.demeant0r.com
Contacts: email: davidyip@oceanfree.net

Posted by angelicxshield on 10-23-2002 03:10 AM:

9th grade i used to skip like twice a week at least . . not necessarily stay home/get out of school completely . . but just blowing them off . . haha ive stopped now . . (principal started giving me this suspicious look whenever he saw me walkin around the halls)

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Posted by castle outsider on 10-24-2002 04:26 AM:

never..im too scared to think about what my parents will do to me once they find out..probably hang be upsidedown and beat me with metal rods or something..

though i did have like a halfday off when i broke my ankle at school hehe..i felt special

Posted by XxAzNViPeRBoIxX on 10-25-2002 12:01 AM:

1 out of a year

Posted by Hyesungu on 10-25-2002 12:32 AM:

hmmm. 9th grade year, i got my first car (3000 gt) I skipped school 150 days, of course I failed. After that year I didnt skip once for the next 4 years.

Posted by XxAzNViPeRBoIxX on 10-26-2002 05:34 AM:

dam 5 months of skoo almost like 1/2 a skoo year

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