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Posted by tm11 on 05-06-2002 03:27 PM:

what is love?

same as title.. discuss..

word is bond

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-06-2002 03:42 PM:

hm..theres difference between being IN love and loving someone..i love my friends and family..but i havent been in love before.. :satisfy:

Posted by krnxswat on 05-06-2002 03:55 PM:


a deep, tender, ineffable feeling of affection and solicitude toward a person, such as that arising from kinship, recognition of attractive qualities, or a sense of underlying oneness.

haha i got that from the dictionary..^^;;
hmm..i guess when u love someone.. u feel different and think different (?) about that person than other people..hehe i dont really know what loves like..

Posted by heyitsdean on 05-07-2002 10:06 AM:

Fat joe

Tomas just listen to fat joe and ashanti - whats luv that will answer all the questions

We're Hard Hitting
Always been Cool as Hell
Got trees in my mirror so my car don't smell

Posted by Zero-Sen on 05-07-2002 10:11 AM:

"what is love? baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more."
- haddaway

lolz. night at the roxbury music. you know those two guys who move their heads all weird on Saturday Night live? haha.

love is a feeling that changes people. a feeling. impossible to describe unless comparing it to something else. Almost like u have to throw up, but like a good feeling. -__-;;. (Of course then again it could be cause your brain is creating more type of enzyme then another. yadda yadda ya.)

Posted by aznkid1008 on 05-07-2002 10:12 AM:

love is somethin u must be very careful cause it creates a weakness for pain and sufferin for u. so i got 2 say a weakness.

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

Posted by Zero-Sen on 05-07-2002 11:21 AM:

Originally posted by aznkid1008
love is somethin u must be very careful cause it creates a weakness for pain and sufferin for u. so i got 2 say a weakness.

of course this comes from a guy who broke his shoulder playing football... lolz, jk jk.

I geuss but love can also make you stronger and a better person.

Posted by krnxswat on 05-07-2002 11:36 AM:

love is something that you learn from whether it makes you stronger or weaker

Posted by MellowYellow on 05-07-2002 08:38 PM:

love..... isn't really describable(sp) for me... if you told me to describe it all i would be is like "God.... God is love"

but like.... it's supposed to be unconditional... whatever the person you "love" does.... your "love" doesn't fade.... it's the same as it was... and the same as it will be....?

i dunno there goes my babbling again

Posted by Yii on 05-09-2002 04:13 AM:

There's love and love....

Well you can love somebody, but some months later it's over. And there're some habits for example you hate at this person and you don't accept.

Second love is the one and only... the true love. When you also love stupid habits and even his /her faults you really love him / her. And that's the love what has the contition for life long love.

~~* Yi *~~

Posted by Prototype on 05-09-2002 04:38 AM:

Emotions are undefinable.

Well no wait, let me rephraze.

Emotions are defined by our own experiences with them.

Because no two experiences will be exactley the same, an emotion can and will have many definitions.


Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-09-2002 08:57 AM:

Love... I "love" this question...

Anyways, I think that love means a lot of different things, and people tend to misuse it... Just like I did up there... Haha... Uhm, love?

I'd say it's a kind of drug that makes people do stupid things... I mean, seriously. People go crazy... Like, committing suicide, or just doing things that you usually wouldn't do for others.

Other than that, I think that the "word" love is extremely plain. It doesn't explain things very well... Do you get what I mean? I can't seem to find the right word to let you know what I'm talking about... But when I can find that word... I'll come back and post it up for you guys!

Posted by Prototype on 05-09-2002 09:27 AM:

baby dont hurt me... dont hurt me... no more


Posted by UnisMuiMui on 05-09-2002 03:24 PM:

love is patient, love is kind........ etc etc 1 Corinthians 13


Posted by xkrzyqtx on 05-09-2002 07:09 PM:

Love is something unexplainable
until you feel it for yourself
and i guess we never really know what love is
until it's right there *smack* in front of our face


have you had YOUR dose of type v?

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