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Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 11-07-2002 12:47 AM:

borrowing things

i'm not selfish. i'm glad to share wut i hav w pplz. but i realli, realli, realli, realli hate it wen pplz take mai things w/out mai permission. mai sis duz that all the time. she just takes it and duzn't tell me and sumtymz duzn't even put it bak. we get in so many fites over her takin mai clothes and mai mom alwaize blames me.

lettin frenz borrow things...well, that depends. if it's expensive (dig camera or sumtin) i'd onli let pplz i TRUST borrow it. but i realli realli get ticked off if they dun return it to me soon. duzn't hav to be like rite away, but i hate it wen they forget like it's not important and then end up never returning it. like money -__-;

wut r ur policies and borrowing?

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 11-07-2002 01:48 AM:

i don't mind it when people take stuff without asking, i only mind it when i can't do the same to them, or if i just don't want them to have it.

What i don't like is when people borrow stuff and then they keep it saying you "gave" it to them hahaha , nah i'm playing i don't care at all, it's just a funny thing that one of my friends has done to me twice. It's cool though, i don't mind, just material stuff ma'.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by saranghae on 11-07-2002 01:51 AM:

oh i hate it when my friends borrow my stuff and don't ever bother to return it unless i ask them to. once i was wearing this ring... and then my friend thought it was pretty so she slipped it on her toe and wore it... and then when i asked her about it... she told me that she threw it away cuz it got dirty. i was pretty mad cuz that ring was sooo cute! and she juss threw it away as if it was nothing and didn't even bother to say sorry!

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 11-07-2002 04:27 AM:

Originally posted by saranghae
oh i hate it when my friends borrow my stuff and don't ever bother to return it unless i ask them to. once i was wearing this ring... and then my friend thought it was pretty so she slipped it on her toe and wore it... and then when i asked her about it... she told me that she threw it away cuz it got dirty. i was pretty mad cuz that ring was sooo cute! and she juss threw it away as if it was nothing and didn't even bother to say sorry!

dayam!! i prolli wudn't want to be her frend nemore if she did that to me unless she bought me a new one. eesh.

Originally posted by PsychoSnowman
What i don't like is when people borrow stuff and then they keep it saying you "gave" it to them

lol!! i noe thaz realli annoyin but it's kinda funni (if i didn't realli care bout that thing tho -__-;)

Posted by tm11 on 11-07-2002 07:22 AM:

Originally posted by PsychoSnowman
i don't mind it when people take stuff without asking, i only mind it when i can't do the same to them, or if i just don't want them to have it.

What i don't like is when people borrow stuff and then they keep it saying you "gave" it to them hahaha , nah i'm playing i don't care at all, it's just a funny thing that one of my friends has done to me twice. It's cool though, i don't mind, just material stuff ma'.

haha silly bo. I'm pretty bad about borrowing, I think I still have some of david's stuff here haha. ahhh terrible.

word is bond

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 11-07-2002 11:54 AM:

haha, you do? i forgot haha. Sweet

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by aZnSwtHart on 11-07-2002 05:25 PM:

i'm ok with ppl borrowing stuff....its just when they take forever to return it that bothers me....

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 11-08-2002 02:04 AM:

Originally posted by aZnSwtHart
i'm ok with ppl borrowing stuff....its just when they take forever to return it that bothers me....

yes. YES. puahah i saw how u were all "here's mai stuff, but bring it bak TOMORROW cuz i brot ur stuff 2day" to sum1 i'm the same. i hate havin to remind them to return mai stuff

Posted by jini on 11-09-2002 04:56 AM:

hm.... people don't really borrow things, maybe pencil.. which people never return. and sometimes money..
-_- i almost never let people "borrow" money unless i seriously trust them...

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Posted by saranghae on 11-09-2002 05:04 AM:

i don't lend anyone money... unless if it was a dollar... heh.

i hate how people borrow things and u expect them to give it back the very next day.. but they juss take forever!!! i hate how i have to remind or ask them about it

Posted by niggoreanboi on 11-09-2002 07:00 PM:

man i let my friend borrow my diablo game 2 years ago mother fukker never gave it back n he told me he lost it i told him he better pay me back
my friend borrowed 10 buck mother fukker never gave it back since 4 years -_-
d same person who i let borrow a game mother fukker took it never gave it back i'mam beat dis nigga ass no one liek him >(
what else i let my friend borrow my T cd stupid bitch lost it -__-

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 11-10-2002 05:15 AM:

Originally posted by jini
hm.... people don't really borrow things, maybe pencil.. which people never return.

yes!! which reminds me..i let 2 pplz borrow pens in 2 dayz and forgot to ask them for it so they prolli won't giv em bak to me. they'll say "i left it at home" or sum shit and never bring it. hmph.

Posted by saranghae on 11-10-2002 05:15 AM:

Originally posted by niggoreanboi
man i let my friend borrow my diablo game 2 years ago mother fukker never gave it back n he told me he lost it i told him he better pay me back
my friend borrowed 10 buck mother fukker never gave it back since 4 years -_-
d same person who i let borrow a game mother fukker took it never gave it back i'mam beat dis nigga ass no one liek him >(
what else i let my friend borrow my T cd stupid bitch lost it -__-

aww... how mean!!

Posted by saranghae on 11-10-2002 05:17 AM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM

yes!! which reminds me..i let 2 pplz borrow pens in 2 dayz and forgot to ask them for it so they prolli won't giv em bak to me. they'll say "i left it at home" or sum shit and never bring it. hmph.

oh yea... that reminds me... i let this "neighbor girl" borrow my jump rope-- keke... i was like 10-- and i asked her about it 5 days later... she was like "oh its at my house... let me go get it" i wanted for her for 30 min. she never came back... moved too... psh... evil girl.

Posted by Jj2 on 11-10-2002 12:55 PM:

Originally posted by jini
hm.... people don't really borrow things, maybe pencil.. which people never return. and sometimes money..
-_- i almost never let people "borrow" money unless i seriously trust them...

me too

"Remember...hope is a good thing,
maybe the best of things,
and no good thing ever dies."

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 11-12-2002 02:32 AM:

Originally posted by saranghae

oh yea... that reminds me... i let this "neighbor girl" borrow my jump rope-- keke... i was like 10-- and i asked her about it 5 days later... she was like "oh its at my house... let me go get it" i wanted for her for 30 min. she never came back... moved too... psh... evil girl.

hahahaha yea that reminds me of like in cartoons wen they say "o i'm gonna go the bathroom" and then u hear the sound of cars vrooming away
there's this one frend i hav hu returns things like 2-4 weeks after u let her borrow it...pisses mai whole group off cuz it's like "how long duz it take to burn a CD?" or "how long duz it take to wash mai clothes after u wear em to a dance?" or sumtin. -___-;

Posted by XxAzNViPeRBoIxX on 11-13-2002 03:51 AM:

Originally posted by saranghae
i don't lend anyone money... unless if it was a dollar... heh.

i hate how people borrow things and u expect them to give it back the very next day.. but they juss take forever!!! i hate how i have to remind or ask them about it

ahaha im smart i kno who to let ppl borrow money haha dis grl always borrow my money and the next day she returns with double the ammopunt

Posted by saranghae on 11-13-2002 03:57 AM:

Originally posted by XxAzNViPeRBoIxX

ahaha im smart i kno who to let ppl borrow money haha dis grl always borrow my money and the next day she returns with double the ammopunt

oh wow that's nice!! haha.. wut if u let her borrow 50

Posted by rhymester* on 11-13-2002 07:31 AM:

me and my friends sometimes pay for each other when we go out to eat, but we are all pretty money minded [singaporeans] so we always remember how much and we pay each other back. i lend my friends money when they forgot their wallets or somethin, i usually forget [unless its a big amount] but they always remember and pay me back. we are trusting friends! ^_^


Posted by tea on 11-13-2002 08:50 AM:

i trust my friends too much


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