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Posted by KimChEEWIErDO29 on 04-08-2004 08:49 PM:


what do u call cheese thats not urs!

NaChO ChEeSe!!!!?!?!!


Posted by castle outsider on 04-09-2004 12:33 AM:

you stole tonys joke and now you shall be slain

Posted by KimChEEWIErDO29 on 04-09-2004 02:32 AM:

lol i got it from comedy central lol


Posted by MasWusHot on 04-09-2004 05:27 AM:


<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xxkpopxx/bhgft.bmp"><br><br>
its better to lose a lover, than to love a loser

Posted by tea on 04-09-2004 10:21 AM:

my joke

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