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Posted by KoReAzNPiMp on 03-15-2006 03:39 PM:

long time no see

whassup ppl, wow its been a hot minute since i last dropped by.

im lucky i even remembered my sn and pw, but whats been up with JSL lately? anything interesting to catch up on?


I need to register with a new screen name, "PiMp" ?? Wow what was I thinking back then

JSL has been a place where I come by, and see how I was back then, being that this forum was the only one I ever posted in back in the day. Glad that this forum (unlike many other ones) did not get moved/reset/etc., anything that would erase old posts.

Still see some familiar faces around here though.

Posted by Danger Ranger on 03-16-2006 07:22 PM:

wow this forum is just dead

later dudes

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