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Posted by hoyoungz luv on 06-07-2002 08:19 AM:

Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy

I just finished reading this book for my English project. I didn't like it at first; it moves really slowly and I found the language difficult to read. Instead of skimming through it like I do with other books, I had to go back and reread the same passage two or three times to actually understand it.

It's a really great book though. It was published in the late 1800s so I figured it would be a dull book. I'm sort of biased against 19th century books. But anywAyz. The story is so interesting and I really liked the main character, Tess. I got into an argument with my friend over Tess's character. I viewed her as a victim of circumstance; she couldn't do anything to alleviate her situation and she tried her best to make everything 'nice' the best she knew how. My friend viewed her as not being able to control herself. She didn't think what Tess did was right.

Has anyone read it? Any opinions on this? I don't want to go too in depth about this book since I don't want to kill it for anyone. I actually read an online summary while I was halfway through the book. Yes, I realize I'm an idiot. I couldn't help myself. I knew about the ending before I read it and it sucked. This is the type of book that knowing the ending will make it less 'fun.' It didn't leave me with that feeling of abruptness that I know would've happened if I hadn't finished the ending.

gOsh. I babble... sorry about that.

~*~ intoxicated tigress ~*~

come join the fun -> and ->

Posted by Ggomah Kaze on 06-09-2002 01:24 AM:

I began to read it last summer... but I didn't get to finish it. I agree with you that the beginning is REALLY slow. and omg... the language... i had to read like ultra slow to get it... me and my 8th grade mind.

is it really that good though? maybe i'll try reading it again this summer...

:: read about my daily life... kinda ::

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-20-2002 06:55 AM:

Re: Tess of the D'Urbervilles

Originally posted by hoyoungz luv
Tess of the D'Urbervilles - Thomas Hardy
I actually read an online summary while I was halfway through the book. Yes, I realize I'm an idiot. I couldn't help myself. I knew about the ending before I read it and it sucked. This is the type of book that knowing the ending will make it less 'fun.'

lol thaz wut i did for gone with the wind. that book is so frickin long! neway, this sounds interesting....can u tell a lil more bout the book? like wut social status is the main character and stuff like that? is it victorian?

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