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-- Lord of the rings : Return of the King (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=14765)

Posted by niggoreanboi on 12-12-2003 03:03 AM:

Lord of the rings : Return of the King

Action/Adventure, Science Fiction/Fantasy and Drama
3 hrs. 30 min. The third of the trilogy. As the shadow of Mordor grows across the land, Aragorn is revealed as the hidden heir to the ancient kings. Gandolf miraculously returns and defeats the evil wizard, Saruman. Sam leaves his master for the dead after a battle with the giant spider, Shelob; but Frodo is still alive--in the hands of the Orcs. And while the armies of the Dark Lord are massing--and the one ring comes ever closer to the Cracks of Doom.

anyone gonna watch it? i'mma thinka bout it but fuck 3 and 1/2 hours man HELLA LONG

Posted by merdawg on 12-12-2003 03:11 AM:

Re: Lord of the rings : Return of the King

Originally posted by niggoreanboi

anyone gonna watch it? i'mma thinka bout it but fuck 3 and 1/2 hours man HELLA LONG

its not like your going to be bored for 3.5 hours. or atleast i won't be bored.


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by niggoreanboi on 12-12-2003 03:18 AM:

LOL but still soem parts can get boring at times LOL and sitting for that long man

Posted by Mash1mar0 on 12-14-2003 02:49 AM:

.... saw the first one out of curiosity... i thought it was okay...
.... saw the second one but not because i wanted to... because i had no choice... eh... i wasn't even paying attention...
.... i refuse to watch third one!


with onE magic pill i EscapE from painful rEality and Enter the wholE nEw diffErEnt world....

I'm not addictEd... I can stop anytimE i want to...

Posted by MellowYellow on 12-14-2003 04:36 AM:

Originally posted by Mash1mar0
.... saw the first one out of curiosity... i thought it was okay...
.... saw the second one but not because i wanted to... because i had no choice... eh... i wasn't even paying attention...
.... i refuse to watch third one!

I saw the first one because my brother bought the dvd... I watched the second one out of curiosity.... now i need some resolution...some closure.... the ENDING... and i KNOW it's not going to be the "matrix style" resolution (ah..ha hah -_-)

But wow... i thought a 2 hour movie was long...

remember when.... the movies used to be 90 minutes... and that was long?!?

Posted by KeN VeRsUs RyU on 12-14-2003 11:40 AM:

Originally posted by MellowYellow

remember when.... the movies used to be 90 minutes... and that was long?!?

90 minutes is standard for feature length movie. i loved movies that went over 2 hours long. i felt like i was getting my money's worth. 3.5 hours!!!! that's like watching 2 movies!!!!.



Posted by JuJu on 12-15-2003 05:00 AM:

i juuust saw the first one this weekend :D
maybe ill go watch the third one


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 12-15-2003 06:32 AM:

i MUST see this!!!! i'm going on friday. all the reviews were great, as expected, and if this movie doesn't win best picture i think i might explode. i still can't believe two towers lost to CHICAGO. -_-;;

Posted by eddiee on 12-15-2003 08:55 PM:

im going xD

Posted by niggoreanboi on 12-16-2003 05:50 AM:

prob go wed morning to see it with my friends

Posted by niggoreanboi on 12-18-2003 12:39 AM:

saw it today LOL peope actually dress up so funny but yea it was a coo movie hella long but coo i left with my ass numb and people crying next to me -_-; it was a coo movie it got like 4 endings LOL

Posted by merdawg on 12-18-2003 10:04 PM:

Originally posted by niggoreanboi
saw it today LOL peope actually dress up so funny but yea it was a coo movie hella long but coo i left with my ass numb and people crying next to me -_-; it was a coo movie it got like 4 endings LOL

adrenaline pumping, comedic at some points, and sad in some, and happy in some. it was awesome.


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by tea on 12-18-2003 11:40 PM:

i saw it last night...too fucking long


Posted by paboh4life on 12-19-2003 12:24 AM:

i didnt even see the first two...dayum i need to watch those two first..


Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 12-19-2003 02:14 AM:

Originally posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM
i still can't believe two towers lost to CHICAGO. -_-;;

yea i know. Chicago was retarded.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by niggoreanboi on 12-19-2003 05:35 AM:

i just liek two towers because of the battles were cool and the tree's head got set on fire and he dunked his head into the water not too many caught that and i was the only person int eh theater laughing at that part LOL

Posted by merdawg on 12-19-2003 11:44 AM:

Originally posted by niggoreanboi
i just liek two towers because of the battles were cool and the tree's head got set on fire and he dunked his head into the water not too many caught that and i was the only person int eh theater laughing at that part LOL

lol. i remember that part. it was madd funny. but i wasn't in the theaters wen i saw it


"Love is like a friendship caught on fire. In the beginning a flame, very pretty, often hot and fierce, but still only light and flickering. As love grows older, our hearts mature and our love becomes as coals, deep-burning and unquenchable. " - Bruce Lee

Posted by KimChEEWIErDO29 on 12-21-2003 01:58 AM:

u should see it.. more action, less loving.. wayyy better then lotr 2 becuase they kept talkin n talkin and only 2 good parts. this is has like 6 war scenes its crazy!


Posted by AzNmAgE on 12-21-2003 08:14 PM:

)i had an orgasm through the whole entire movie thats how good it was....ne other nerds testify?

(yes i say neeeeeeeeeeeeeerd, i'm into those fantasy books

Have you ever though about where babies come from???

Posted by e1n1no1002 on 12-24-2003 01:51 AM:

I read the books as well first two for like summer reading and the last, to find out wat happened. Movie was awsome.........didn't have an orgasm watching it, but still ..... great movie, good story, good books. heh

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