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Posted by annabanana on 08-08-2002 01:01 AM:

Foods that do stuff to you

Ya' know how that giant big bean burrito from Taco Bell will give you lots of gas(because of the beans)?

Well kimchi is one of those foods that does something for you. It is bad for your breath but kimchi is supposed to help control body odor which is why Koreans have the least b.o.

If you eat curry and later on sweat, you will smell like curry which is why a lot of Indians smell funky.

Coffee is a stimulant and will improve alertness cuz of the caffeine.

more later....

Posted by tea on 08-08-2002 01:44 AM:

im a lil lactose intolerant lol


Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-08-2002 02:24 AM:

thats nice to knoe :) i like curry n kimchi :)

Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-10-2002 09:36 AM:

candy in d morning makes my wanna ddong

Posted by TyGer STyLe on 08-10-2002 11:01 AM:

HAHAHAH CANDY?!?!?! BAHAHAHAHA damn thats funnie... haha UhM... theres this lil chinese fast food place called California Wok next to my house... when ever you eat there... ITS REALLY GOOD! scept afterwards when your done... you have the nastiest feeling in the world... its really hard to explain

Enter My Head!

Posted by TAIgrr on 08-10-2002 06:12 PM:

chewing eclipse gum keeps me from eating.

chewing any kind of gum makes me less bored.

jjajangmyun makes me burp (or maybe its the water..)

beer makes me go pee

candy makes new pimples

food makes me fat


Posted by Drunken Master on 08-10-2002 07:08 PM:

i'm not tolerant to milk as i was when i was little, and if i mix pop with a milk product, it'll just accelerate the process. *ahem*

Oh and if I stuff myselft too much..., I get uhhh, "the runs"....

Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-10-2002 08:21 PM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr

beer makes me go pee

u drink? haha

now i think of it eating ramyun in d morning makes me wanna go poo i ater it twice in d morning wen tto skoo i had to clamp my ass d whole day till i got home -__-

gum makes my tummy growl

Posted by TAIgrr on 08-11-2002 04:00 AM:

Originally posted by MC ChOpStiCkz
u drink? haha

not really.. i only drank couple times with my dad on special occasions


Posted by tea on 08-11-2002 04:38 AM:

Originally posted by Drunken Master
if i mix pop with a milk product, it'll just accelerate the process.

what the hell is POP?

is that like soda? soda and milk dont mix homie


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 08-13-2002 09:39 PM:

Re: Foods that do stuff to you

Originally posted by annabanana

If you eat curry and later on sweat, you will smell like curry which is why a lot of Indians smell funky.

Seriously? I always thought it was because i am always around the kitchen in my house, and spices, and i just smell like indian spices sometimes because of the constant exposure to it. I mean, when you cook it, it smells throughout the whole house haha. . Sweat the curry smell? thats pretty sweet actually.

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rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
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"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by tm11 on 08-14-2002 12:20 AM:

David's right, you don't "sweat" the curry smell. It's mainly because of the exposure to the spices that causes you to smell like that. However, proper ventilation and other safeguards can cause you to not smell like curry and subcontinental spices.
If you go eat indian food, you won't smell like it. That's so fucking ludicrous.

word is bond

Posted by jini on 08-14-2002 12:50 AM:

if you chew gum when you're hungry, it messes up your stomach.

cuz you're chewing and chewing so your stomach thinks you're eating something.. so it releases gasses. but once you don't eat anything.. it'll screw up the system.

that's what i heard.

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Posted by huby40 on 08-14-2002 01:00 AM:

yea thats tru
it also starts up other organs like the liver

i cant eat any of those hostess things (twinkies, devildogs,...). the cream filling makes me fuzzy

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 08-14-2002 02:08 AM:

Originally posted by MC ChOpStiCkz

u drink? haha

Chorong is a hardcore beer belly person :huh:

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by TAIgrr on 08-14-2002 02:14 AM:

Originally posted by Crazydeb8ter
Chorong is a hardcore beer belly person :huh:

i got a ddongbe.. but it aint from drinking :sleepy:

-.-;; i only drank few times

quit making fun of me victor!!!!!! GRrrrraRRrr .... ....


Posted by MellowYellow on 08-15-2002 04:08 AM:

koreans eat a lot of garlic.. its in like every food... i heard koreans sweat out garlic smells....

and i heard americans sweat out cheese smell.... (pit stains are yellow)

i'm pretty sure that's not true

oh i know....

alchohol makes you drunk...

and coffee makes me happy.wheeeeeeeeeee
gum makes me happy too... i'm a coffee-holic and gum-a-holic

haha....i used to be really bad.... like carry around like 2 packs of gum (not like 5 sticks each... like trident.. with 18 sticks) i would constantly be chewing gum... except when i'm eating meals of course.... one thing though..... those cheap moochers "can i have a piece of gum?" ......".....NO....get your own"

I hate google cache.

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