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Posted by niggoreanboi on 04-12-2003 05:44 AM:

Angry I Absolutly Dispise My Dad Shit

I hate that nigga i wanna punch him in his mother fucking face
don't even care about anyone but himself when he goes grocery shoppin he only buys himself whatever he wants to eat and expect someone to cook it for him cause he's to lazy to sit up stop wathcing tv and cook for his own mother fuckin self. Usually fathers pay for improtant stuff for their children he don't he makes me pay for everything even rent. He never helps me in school work never was there when i was a lil kid fucking asshole
i swear he loves to punish me when i was a lil kid i almost got ran over cause some asshole didn't see me my dad blamed it on me and gave me a asswhippin shit everytime i do somthing bad he grounds me for half of a year fucking asshole and cause he caught me cuttin and he grounded me for the rest of my senior year fuck that i'mma go out and anyways that asshole i wanna strangle his fucking lazy ugly lookin ass shit and he smokes, he never rolls down the window he always exhail right in my face mom told me he smokes alot around her when she was pregnant prob thats why it's so hard for me to learn new stuff fucking he ruined my life always friggin prograstinating he never sets appointment to get my shots or check up i have to do it and ask my mom to take me and i hate bothering her cause she be workin almost 12 hours a day and she be tired my dad always wait for the last min and I HAVE NO FUCKING DENTAL INSURANCE cause he doesn't wanna pay fucking asshole. He was also suppose to make a college fund for me when i was a baby but he never did some father. I swear when i get a kid i'll never treat my kid like that or let my dad near him/her! and his faggot ass hits my mom what kinda man is that? he always downin my mom i just wanna kick his ass for her. i mean he don't even celebrate my mom's b-day, annerversary or anything he just don't care but when his b-day come along wheres my money wheres my presents? grrrrrr i can't wait till i move out i swear i'll be soooo happy

Posted by niggoreanboi on 04-12-2003 06:19 AM:

and when i was like 8 i did something and my dad grabbed my head and slammed my chin on the table and it split i had to get stitches and later i eventually had to pay

and when i didn't want to buy shoes my dad choked me in the store and forced me to get it hella people staring and shit

and he never made promises but he promised me he would watch one of my basketball games when i was 12 he never showed he was at home sleeping with tv on and he was off work

i knoe my dad ain't the worst person on earth but to me he ain't even a father he ain't shit to me

Posted by kangg fu on 04-13-2003 04:34 AM:


i know what you're going through man...my dad dissapointed me big time a couple of months ago...but i admire you man..i was thinking the same things...that i would never be like that to my kids and give them the whole world...and i realized that my mom is the best person in the world and that i gotta help her out as much as i can and show my love for her...i think it's something with the old school korean mindset and also your dad prob is just a flat out bad father...but it seems especially in korean families the dad is watching out for himself alot more than his kids or wife and is very selfish..you're a strong person no doubt...it is very dissapointing man, and i had lost all respect for my dad and i hated him...and i somewhat do to this day...maybe there will be a day where i can forgive him...but anywayz enough about me...you're a great person and don't ever let what your dad says or does to you bring you down

Posted by rhymester* on 04-13-2003 06:25 AM:

heh i can understand too..my father is a dead beat drunk who used to beat up my mother. he doesnt pay for anything, doesnt pay for our education or anything. and he even wants to sue us back for the money he spent on us when we were kids what kind of lameass shit is that~~ he used to smoke directly at my oldest sister was a baby and she got some breathing disorder after that. then my mother never left us around him anymore. he didnt even care when my mother gave birth or anything. he's just really useless. i just call him my biological father becos well i dont think i really had a father figure. my aikido sensei is more of a father to me!! well anyway, just take it as something to learn from, you were meant to have a father like that to learn something from it.


Posted by niggoreanboi on 04-14-2003 04:52 AM:

Re: yo

Originally posted by kangg fu
i know what you're going through man...my dad dissapointed me big time a couple of months ago...but i admire you man..i was thinking the same things...that i would never be like that to my kids and give them the whole world...and i realized that my mom is the best person in the world and that i gotta help her out as much as i can and show my love for her...i think it's something with the old school korean mindset and also your dad prob is just a flat out bad father...but it seems especially in korean families the dad is watching out for himself alot more than his kids or wife and is very selfish..you're a strong person no doubt...it is very dissapointing man, and i had lost all respect for my dad and i hated him...and i somewhat do to this day...maybe there will be a day where i can forgive him...but anywayz enough about me...you're a great person and don't ever let what your dad says or does to you bring you down

whats wrong with fathers -_- and yea my dad isn't korean he's black. I've notice korean father are very abusive it really sucks -_-;

helen: i feel the same way you feel about your father and to me my uncle was more of a father it's because of him i learned math and learned how to read he helped me so much, so nice also he always been looking after me every since i was born. After my other uncle died he moved back to louisina to be with my grandmother.

Posted by kangg fu on 04-14-2003 05:05 AM:


my bad man i shouldn't have assumed your dad was a certain race...but still it doesnt give him an excuse to be the way he is..it is sad man i know, the world can be very disspointing and at time you wonder, why God why? u know? be strong like i said, and you obviously are, and don't let him bring you down...my dad disspointed me big time, but it wasn't that big of a shock since he never really felt like a father...sometimes i wonder if it is me..and at times i wonder if i'm thinking the wrong thing about my dad..u know..maybe i expect too much of a perfect dad or something...whatever the case is..treat your mom like a princess even though i know it's hard in a teenager's life..heck i'm 17, but remember God is watching over you, and everything may seem cruel now, but things will get better, i bet my life it will...

Posted by niggoreanboi on 04-18-2003 04:35 PM:

Re: yo

Originally posted by kangg fu
my bad man i shouldn't have assumed your dad was a certain race...but still it doesnt give him an excuse to be the way he is..it is sad man i know, the world can be very disspointing and at time you wonder, why God why? u know? be strong like i said, and you obviously are, and don't let him bring you down...my dad disspointed me big time, but it wasn't that big of a shock since he never really felt like a father...sometimes i wonder if it is me..and at times i wonder if i'm thinking the wrong thing about my dad..u know..maybe i expect too much of a perfect dad or something...whatever the case is..treat your mom like a princess even though i know it's hard in a teenager's life..heck i'm 17, but remember God is watching over you, and everything may seem cruel now, but things will get better, i bet my life it will...

i'm with ya i totally agree with you!

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 04-18-2003 09:12 PM:

wow i cant tell you how sorry i am that all of you have abusive parents. i just want to ask you all something though. why didnt you ever report any of this? hitting your wife/ children is illegal. he could serve time in jail for that. neglecting you and your mother isnt illegal but its definately not what a father should do. im not saying any of this is your fault because i realize taht there is an economic dependence on him but i dont think someone like this deserves to have a family.

Posted by on 04-18-2003 10:38 PM:


Posted by ajy on 04-18-2003 11:13 PM:

Originally posted by screwyou

you're awesome

Posted by niggoreanboi on 04-18-2003 11:50 PM:

Originally posted by screwyou

haha thanks for the right spelling ^_^

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 04-19-2003 02:34 AM:

Originally posted by screwyou

this guys gonna be andrew II i hope

Posted by rhymester* on 04-19-2003 07:53 AM:

Originally posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23
wow i cant tell you how sorry i am that all of you have abusive parents. i just want to ask you all something though. why didnt you ever report any of this? hitting your wife/ children is illegal. he could serve time in jail for that.

as a kid, i was too scared. and i didnt want him to go to jail, i duno, i did, but i still didn't cos he's my father. though that term means nothing to me now haha


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 04-19-2003 05:40 PM:

if my dad was abusive i wouldn't report him because he's the only one that works in our family. Yep, it's selfish sorry.

Just bringing up this point becuase asian parents seem to have more house wives than other races, at least it seems to me. This could be another reason.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by rhymester* on 04-20-2003 09:53 AM:

haha well my mother works too...so we kind of dont need him anyway haha


Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 04-22-2003 01:29 AM:

i'm really sorry to hear about this...it always pains me to learn about abusive parents. i guess if your family depends on him for money and stuff, you can't do much to him, and that sucks. if my dad were like that i'd report him even though he mainly pays the bills (he earns a lot more than my mom does) but that's because my mom's brothers and their families and my mom's parents live within 20 min of us so they can take care of us. if not....i'd try to get him in jail and then go to work myself. i'm glad you guys will learn from your parents, but...well, it kinda reminds me of "things fall apart" by chinua achebe. yeah, don't be like him, but don't be too hard on yourselves either.

Posted by MellowYellow on 04-24-2003 11:16 PM:

i'm sorry i can't sympathize but i sure it's the same with mothers.

Posted by on 04-25-2003 01:19 AM:

Maybe you can try standing inside his shoes. Stop being selfish and let anger take control of you, sit down and take some time to think about it.

Posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23 on 04-25-2003 05:54 AM:

Originally posted by screwyou
Maybe you can try standing inside his shoes. Stop being selfish and let anger take control of you, sit down and take some time to think about it.
so your saying beat your dad?

Posted by niggoreanboi on 04-29-2003 05:36 AM:

Originally posted by .aS.|5p!7f!|23
so your saying beat your dad?

no he's saying try to imagine yourself in your father's shoes.

I've tried still pisses me off how he don't pay for any insurance or buy his wife his son food to eat when no one is home.

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