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Posted by krnxswat on 02-10-2003 04:32 AM:

INFO on VeraChip

Throughout history, all nations, people, and tribes have believed in some sort of "god." Many call Christian "pigheaded" for trying to convert other people to christianity. Why then, if you believe your own religion to be true, would you NOT try to convert people to your religion? You see, the difference between Christianity and other religions is that it is the TRUTH. It is REALITY. NOT something that someone somewhere made up. Whether you choose to believe this or not, I cannot choose for you. But what I CAN do is show you the proof of Christianity, and more importantly, of GOD.

We are now living in the last days of humanity. With 9/11, the war with Iraq, worldwide disease, famine, water shortage, etc. It certainly seems like it. If 10 years ago someone was to describe something such as 9/11 happenning, he would be discounted as a "fanatic," "zealot," or even simply "crazy." and yet it happenned. Now, for the soldiers of God, time is up. We must start living our lives desperately trying to save as many souls as we can for the Kingdom of God. We have only a few years left to do so. The purpose of this page is to keep the soldiers awake for the ambush. We (the updators) will constantly be keeping watch and reporting to you the events at the front of the battlefield. As Revelation 16:15 says, "Look, I an coming like a theif! Blessed are those who stay awake and keep their clothes with them. They will not be caught naked. They will not be put to shame." Amen. Keep track of this sites updates and do research for yourself, save souls, and of course pray. In this first update, I will address the Mark of the Beast, also known as "666." (Revelation 13:18.)

Many people haved heard of the new subdermal (under the skin) chip called the "Verichip" http://adsx.com/prodservpart/verichip.html

On Febrary 2002, the Jackson family of Florida, Father Mother and Son, all were the first to recieve an implant called the "Verichip." This Verichip is a small microchip about the size of a grain of rice that is implanted in the back of ones hand, and emits a small radio signal. Now why is this important?

With fears of terrorism rampant, the government has used excuses of "National Security" to bypass any unconsituionality to make any law approveable, as long as it aids in the fight against terrorism. Some of these include the newly made federal right to imprison ANYONE, for ANY REASON, without having to answer ANY QUESTIONS why. I'm sure this will happen to many christians who speak out, such as myself and my friends as time goes by. And now, the government will no doubt promote the use of this "Verachip," to keep track of anyone anywhere, for the sake of "National Security." AOL and Microsoft have already done such things by putting spyware into their software, not even trying to be discreet about it. Notice the "Private unaccesible folder" that microsoft put on YOUR computer, for the sake of "Market research of consumer interests." Basically, they look at everything you do and send the info back to Microsoft. So the Verachip, as of now, is a "Voluntary" item. Now, why would anyone want to have this implanted into them? for several reasons.

1. "Patriotism." People wish to be loyal to their country and help in any way they can (note the replacement of loyalty to God.)

2. Quality of Life. The world, as many people are noticing, is, and will move into one world currency. The same goes for a One World Government, as shown by organizations such as the UN and NATO. Now notice how the entire economy now operates on the internet. Things such as the Mobil Speedpass, Credit Cards, even bluetooth, all allow life to be easy by making everything digitally completed with one quick swipe. But Hey, think about this! What if EVERYTHING could be done like that!? Well, that is what they aim to do with Verichip. All transactions, buying products, a car, paying bills, operating your business, will all be nice and convenient with one quick swipe of your hand! How convenient. Who wouldn't want this?

3. Because it will eventually be mandatory. The Government will use the excuse of "National Security" to force EVERYONE to accept the verichip, and those who don't accept it, (christians), will be accused of being traitors (punishable by death) and/or terrorists. Hence, the persecution of Christians.

Rev 13:16-18

16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads:

17 and that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

NO MATTER WHAT DO NOT ACCEPT THE VERACHIP. In accepting the verachip you will be denying Christ. It is not clear as of yet exactly how accepting the Verachip will force you to deny christ, but rest assures, when the time comes all will be clear.

for further research and deeper insight into how the Verachip contains 666, go here. http://www.caspro.com/authupda.htm

As time passes, all that I have just stated will prove itself to be true. For the time being it is based simply on the word of God, but it will soon be fact. Keep vigilant and watch for the coming of Christ.



i just found this on someone's xanga . just curious what you guys think about it.
but what if you chop your hands off?

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 02-10-2003 06:57 AM:

i find that very intersting but kinda extreme. like the article or whatever says, it isn't clear exactly how accepting the verachip will bring 666 into you. i also think the idea of national security is goign too far as a whole already. i don't understand why anyone would want to have something like that implanted in them. still, the idea of evil from a government-inspected chip seems kinda farfetched.....wait, no it doesn't.

Posted by ajy on 02-11-2003 08:35 PM:

hillarious. why not post a thread, in which it is trying to tell me all other religions are a lie. bullshit. and then information on a cult putting chips in people. dont believe it for a second

Posted by Alchemist on 02-12-2003 01:43 AM:

This instills fear in me. Fear of it being true and fear of history repeating itself.

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