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Posted by niggoreanboi on 05-17-2003 08:32 AM:

cloning human parts

how do you feel about it?

I think it's a good idea but the chances of people misusing cloning is a very high risk to take. Scientist trying to play god i say when will people learn

Posted by AZN Pinoy BOI on 05-17-2003 01:06 PM:

i think it's a good idea, that way we can have more organs for people to have if they need a tranceplant. I don't mind the idea of playing god because they'l never b god


wana chat?
aim: LiQUiD PhLiP o1
xanga: AZNpinoyBOI

Posted by kryogenix on 05-18-2003 01:30 AM:

Originally posted by AZN Pinoy BOI
i think it's a good idea, that way we can have more organs for people to have if they need a tranceplant. I don't mind the idea of playing god because they'l never b god

yes, you'll have more organs, but technically, you are killing the clone. you are bringing a person to life for the sole purpose of using their organs on someone else. it's similar to slaughtering cows and pigs, only i'm not against that as for playing god, that's morally wrong to me.

Posted by Alchemist on 05-19-2003 01:26 AM:

Cloning debate ver. 5.2!!!

Originally posted by kryogenix
yes, you'll have more organs, but technically, you are killing the clone. you are bringing a person to life for the sole purpose of using their organs on someone else. it's similar to slaughtering cows and pigs, only i'm not against that as for playing god, that's morally wrong to me.

All right, cloning human parts would not really have to involve a whole person to be formed, just that specific organ.

Posted by rawr itz errinn on 05-20-2003 02:08 PM:

the debate over cloning is just like that of abortion and nuclear weapons and all the other big issues that politicians scratch their heads over. if used in a moral way, sure, many people won't have a problem with it. however, i don't think society is THAT innocent and "nice". call me a pessimist if you will, but humans in general have become so damn corrupted, we'll take advantage of anything we can get our hands on.

people have such a thirst for knowledge and it creates barriers that are infinite... meaning, i guess... there is no limit. we'll never stop wanting to push our knowledge, technology, science etc to its limit. yes, i think cloning is immoral. yes, i think those that clone humans are trying to play God. yes, i'm totally against it... but it seems like it can't be stopped. today, it seems inevitable. don't get me wrong. having extra organs so that people can live is great. the amount of time and effort put into this... to get us where we are in knowledge today is unbelievable; and yes, it's something to be proud of. but not something to be arrogant about. there were claims that a human baby had been cloned. they called her "eve". now please tell me that's not mocking God.

Posted by Alchemist on 05-24-2003 01:10 AM:

People who design vehicles are trying to play God, so are people who design bombs and manipulate electricity. A camera(Non-digital) steals your soul etc.

Posted by GinaDaQueen on 06-13-2003 09:29 PM:

ok, instead of tossing out big words to sound intelligent, i'm just going to express my opinion:

I think cloning body parts is a good thing, because a lot of people die from not finding a donor if they're sick and stuff. I mean, since people are so greedy and aren't willing to give up their body parts when they die, we can't just have anyone dying off because a person with the same blood match doesn't have "donor" written on their license (or wherver it's written). Furthermore, I think that cloning is just as bad as any other scientific discoveries because in a sense, these scientists are still trying to play God. So, I do have to agree with Alchemist.


Posted by PsychoSnowman on 06-14-2003 05:44 AM:

Originally posted by GinaDaQueen
ok, instead of tossing out big words to sound intelligent, i'm just going to express my opinion:

Thank you so much.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by OneWeCallOMEGA on 06-14-2003 05:37 PM:

Originally posted by kryogenix
yes, you'll have more organs, but technically, you are killing the clone. you are bringing a person to life for the sole purpose of using their organs on someone else. it's similar to slaughtering cows and pigs, only i'm not against that as for playing god, that's morally wrong to me.

Would it really be killing the clone if it had never been awake to see reality in the first place? Would the clone even know of its existense? No, all you would be doing is making something breathing stop breathing. It would be beneficial to use the parts to save lives.

As for playing god... that's your own belief i guess. Creating and ending life can't be helped in any case. The only difference from a clone and a baby being born out of a wome is that the different ways each happens, but both are creating new life, what's the real difference? It's not like you are coppying the person's memories, you would only be coppying their physical traits.

Posted by Alchemist on 06-22-2003 12:31 AM:

What if you copied the memories and the clone didn’t wake up to see reality. Would it count as killing then?

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 07-01-2003 07:41 PM:

i would say killing is the destruction of physical life, not the destruction of memories or something. The person does not have to be conscious in order to be killed. But in the case of cloning human parts, the parts will be used and then not killed...i do not see how you people think it is killing something. It is being used, not killed. Though i must digress i have not read the thread haha.

Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.

"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."

"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."

Posted by Ladi Jay on 07-03-2003 06:30 AM:

organs, specifically... yeserie!

Posted by aznkid1008 on 07-08-2003 11:54 PM:

Originally posted by AZN Pinoy BOI
I don't mind the idea of playing god because they'l never b god

i dunno they hav been gettin fairly close. able 2 create an animal is pretty close 2 givin life. personally they r dealin wit somethin we really got no idea about.

the fool is the one who thinks he is wise, yet the wise one is the one who thinks he is a fool

Remember the heros
Remember the lives
Remember the day
God bless

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