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Posted by J-DraGoNz on 10-23-2003 01:44 PM:

My moms crazy i swear lol

aiight so im stayin up all night, been procrastinatin with some HW, and i was watchng Friends DVD season 4 with my roomie shawn (friend from church that lives with us because his fam moved to dallas but he goes to UCI so he wanted to finish school) and so after friends shawn goes to sleep right, i got upstairs, start workin on HW. its about 5 AM now. my mom suddenly wakes up (which she does once in a while) and starts yelling at me cuz i aint sleepin. then she starts talkin about how its not normal for people to not sleep and accusing me of taking drugs LOL i was like. DA FUCK are you talking about hahaha. i almost was about to laugh but i held it in. Then she gets all pissed cuz i do my HW all late and cuz im not doin so hot in school, then she starts bitchin bout how messy my room is. And then, she starts yelling cause i told her i was going to SAT school and i havnet signed up or nuttin yet, then she tells me shes gonna make me go tutor from now on, then i protest by telling her that i am already being tutored, and she argues back by saying i keep missing the tutor when in actuality i only missed it once (i only started 3 sessions ago btw) then she starts to cry and she starts to bug cuz she keeps leaving and slaming the door, then 5 min later she comes back in crying on how its her fault i do all this bad shit which i dont even do. so im like uh...can u just leave me alone so i can do my HW...but nooo...she keeps rambling on how shes always been easy on me but now shes gonna start making me do things and make me study and all that fuckin wack shit. she keeps sayin how shes gonna take away the TV and the computer and all this crap, and then says that shes really gonna start roughening things up for me (for lack of better words).

wow that was long lol. i got skoo in less than an hour now. i hate 0 period. lol. my moms on the phone...i think shes telling people im crazy or something LOL. god my mom pisses me off sometimes. bah





Posted by J-DraGoNz on 10-23-2003 01:50 PM:

LOL my mom came in again and shes like "Are you done with your homework?" and im listenin to this song, and im my mind im like, omg...youve made it pretty bad, just get da fuck out right. and then she starts rambling about how shes gonna watch me everyday after school to do HW..and then the song goes "so shut the fuck up" LOL i was like...hahah yea thai...hahhaa





Posted by rhymester* on 10-23-2003 05:47 PM:

shouldnt this be in friends n family?

seems ur mom is stressed out about somethin n taking it out on u i guess. im not good at advice but... i guess just try to focus on ur studies to be able to move out of there one day.


Posted by castle outsider on 10-24-2003 12:44 AM:

it sound spretty sad..how your mom is crying and youre getting a big joke out of it. yea of course parents are friggin crazy but if i ever saw my mom crying id know i mustve done some seriously bad shit. maybe you should do your hw earlier..you know education is the key to get you out of the shit hole we live n

Posted by MasWusHot on 10-24-2003 01:11 AM:

wow yeah my mom flips on me when she gets home from work and shit and i get pissed cuz jus cuz she had a stressful day ne little thing i do wrong she makes 3 times a bigger deal out of it .. but i dont think my mom ever cried .. maybe once .. but yah .. i gues its jus important to her that u do good in skool, and even tho i kno it seems like bs now .. man ... jus do ur damn hw earlier .. shuldnt be up that late newayz .. its unhealthy so yeh make her happy and do it, i been workin real hard on more respect its not easy but .. it definitly gets me more respect as well

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v48/xxkpopxx/bhgft.bmp"><br><br>
its better to lose a lover, than to love a loser

Posted by J-DraGoNz on 10-25-2003 12:26 AM:

why should it matter when i do my homework as long as i get it done? she wasnt stressed about nothing, she was just blind cause she thinks i do drugs, and thats pretty fuckin stupid, she got that just cuz i dont sleep once in a while. she cried for no reason. if i did something bad, ok i understand, but i fuckin didnt do anything wrong and shes bitching at me for it. and i do work hard at school, my whole time is taken up by school. whenever im online im doing HW. school isnt bs to me. there are two things in my life that are important to me...well three. My education, my music, and my friends n fam.





Posted by XxAzNViPeRBoIxX on 11-03-2003 04:47 AM:

man my mom bytch at me for no reason too ; \ it suks

Posted by kryogenix on 11-03-2003 09:56 PM:

think about it from her point of view

Posted by J-DraGoNz on 11-03-2003 10:24 PM:

^ she just assumes things and doesnt understand





Posted by krnxswat on 11-04-2003 12:56 AM:

Originally posted by J-DraGoNz
^ she just assumes things and doesnt understand

don't you? but do you?

immagijibae: seons a hoeeeeeee, he wears them g-strings, and i also knowwwww, they hurt his dinga-lings~ la l alalala~ nanannan~ oh~ seons a hoeeeeee, he wears them g-strings..............
immagijibae: liiiiiiiiiiiiiike my new 1-minute-made-up song???????

Posted by J-DraGoNz on 11-04-2003 05:16 AM:






Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 11-04-2003 06:21 AM:

don't talk back. Just let the results speak for themselves.

ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

Posted by AussieHonkie on 11-06-2003 12:26 AM:

haha, damn, deja vu ...... just like my mum, she comes in to whinge about something then that leads onto 10 other different subjects that she whinges about (i.e. eat more food, clean ur room, etc... just irrelevant shit that has nothing to do with wot she originally came up to tell me) .... yeh i get really pissed off, but i used to talk back, and that got nowhere, so now i just ignore her when she starts that rambling ...... and although they will still ramble, she stops when she realizes i dont give a shit wot she is talking about and goes away ........

just let it be, she is prob pissed from work or woteva and trying to relieve some tension onto u, its unfair, but just let it be, im sure that u get pissed off at family and friends aswell when ur stressed.

but yeh, hahaha, shit i thought i was the onli one with a mum like that ....... at least i know im not alone.

Posted by J-DraGoNz on 11-06-2003 02:20 AM:

nah she wasnt stressed or anything...shes not one to do something like that ^ lol yea my moms just like yours haha....digresses like crazy after she starts lmao. i dont really talk back either...





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