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Posted by junjinluber33 on 07-16-2002 01:49 AM:

magic straight perm

i just got it today! wOoHoO! no more straight iron in the morning! x ] man! it took like 5 hours cuz there were 5 other girls getting the same perm. last year it only took me 3 hours. my hair's kinda damaged at the ends though. iuno if its juss me buh i highlighted my hair a couple years ago w/ bleach n when i straightened my hair it damaged the parts with the bleach in my hair. SUCKS! buh my hair is like super straight and soft now~


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Posted by TAIgrr on 07-16-2002 02:31 AM:

!! i want magic too!!!
i was gon get it last year.. but i spent the money for my colored contacts.
how much was yours?


Posted by junjinluber33 on 07-16-2002 02:40 AM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr
how much was yours?

i got this manicure stuff for my hair cuz it was damaged from last time (40 bux), got the magic straight (90 bux), a retexture formula (free), and gel (free)... so all together it was 130. good deal huh?!


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Posted by TAIgrr on 07-16-2002 02:46 AM:

yea. hella good deal
my church friend got hers done for like 300+ dollars at LA!!
i wanna do mine at korea so itll be cheap.
wait.. IS it cheaper in korea? at the salon?
anywho.. imma get it someday..


Posted by Nojeel on 07-16-2002 02:48 AM:

i could use that straight perm..since my hair is freaking long.. its curly as hell when its just dried..haha


Posted by Ladi Jay on 07-16-2002 03:13 AM:

Cathy, you have curly hair??? how cute!!! I have straight, thin hair... I used to have lots of purty long black hair but I dyed it soo much that it's all thin and short now...

I've never had trouble with split ends though...

Posted by junjinluber33 on 07-16-2002 03:18 AM:

Originally posted by RaCeR_LaDi_MoOn
Cathy, you have curly hair??? how cute!!!

hehe~ i have like REALLY wavy hair~ if i find a pic of me with wavy hair ill post it up.


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Posted by neXt on 07-16-2002 03:48 AM:

man, guys have it easy.. $15-25 haircut $5-15 for styling gel/paste

Posted by tea on 07-16-2002 05:41 AM:

whats the comb thing that spins?


Posted by TAIgrr on 07-16-2002 07:14 AM:

Originally posted by tea
whats the comb thing that spins?

revolution? saw that on tv once..
i want it lol


Posted by tea on 07-16-2002 08:03 AM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr

revolution? saw that on tv once..
i want it lol

revolution? isnt that a ride at great america? (norcal amusement park)


Posted by clickbjjang on 07-16-2002 12:04 PM:

ok what is this magic straighting perm???? where can i get info.. cuz i need one.. i do not like my curly hair... i just do not like it.... and oh yeah that comb that spins... its called revo styler...I WANT ONE TOOOOOO! ^^

<(' '< ) <(' ')> (>' ')> <(' ')>
lets do the kirby dance ^-^
wooooooooooo ^^

Posted by TAIgrr on 07-16-2002 10:10 PM:

does it cost more if you have longer hair?


Posted by junjinluber33 on 07-17-2002 03:20 AM:

Originally posted by clickbjjang
ok what is this magic straighting perm???? where can i get info.. cuz i need one.. i do not like my curly hair... i just do not like it.... and oh yeah that comb that spins... its called revo styler...I WANT ONE TOOOOOO! ^^

magic straight perm is a process that takes a couple hours to make your hair permanately straight. they put chemicals in your hair and then dry it and straightened it with a special straight iron. to those who have bleached hair... don't get the straight perm! it'll damage your hair! buh yea... your hair stay perfectly straight until it grows out. it stays real soft and untangled too! ; ]

Originally posted by TAIgrr
does it cost more if you have longer hair?

at some places yea... others it's the same cost


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by clickbjjang on 07-17-2002 03:44 AM:

how about if you have hair that was bleach b4 then colored with a differnt hair color, will it make ur hair damaged to? and will ur hair fall out if somthing bad happens?

<(' '< ) <(' ')> (>' ')> <(' ')>
lets do the kirby dance ^-^
wooooooooooo ^^

Posted by junjinluber33 on 07-17-2002 04:28 AM:

Originally posted by clickbjjang
how about if you have hair that was bleach b4 then colored with a differnt hair color, will it make ur hair damaged to? and will ur hair fall out if somthing bad happens?

yea~ i bleached my hair (highlights) and colored over it twice and it got SO damaged~ the parts with the bleach was fried and i couldnt put my fingers through my hair.


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team3 biotch! its da group blog

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 07-19-2002 12:27 AM:

ouchiez...fried hair...
i hella want straight hair!! i colored it once...but realli litely...like u can barely see the dye...and it's the cheap DYI kind, so will mai hair get damaged if i straighten it like that?

Posted by haneul on 07-19-2002 02:32 AM:

i have a question~if u get ur hair straight permed, and like a year later ur hair grows back, so wouldn't ur head be half ur natural hair and half silky hair?? lol ...so woudya have to get straight perm again, or just leave it? and wut happens if u keep straight perming ur hair cuz every korean star (wit long hair) ALWAYS have silky hair

Posted by TAIgrr on 07-19-2002 03:18 AM:

Originally posted by haneul
every korean star (wit long hair) ALWAYS have silky hair

hm.. either they have magic..
or they have a hair-straightener
makes your hair silkly kinda.


Posted by junjinluber33 on 07-21-2002 08:31 AM:

Originally posted by haneul
i have a question~if u get ur hair straight permed, and like a year later ur hair grows back, so wouldn't ur head be half ur natural hair and half silky hair?? lol ...so woudya have to get straight perm again, or just leave it? and wut happens if u keep straight perming ur hair cuz every korean star (wit long hair) ALWAYS have silky hair

naw... ish not all silky the WHOLE time~ it just doesnt get tangled easily n stuff. it only looks real shiny after a while. the stars put a whole mess of retexturizers in their hair... trust me... the lady gave me some for free and it makes my fried tips look healthy again. REALLY crazy... if you look at BoA's hair rite now, you'll notice how the top is a lil poofy and the bottom is straight. i htink it's cuz she got straight perm


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