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question for biology
just wondering... since homework section of the site is.. kinda empty, anybody know what CHNOPS stands for?
its a question on a lab assignment titled Simulating Protein Synthesis.
brief background on it... and yes, it is difficult to find, so i need a little bit of help.
CHNOPS is an organism whos cells contain only one chromosome and are members of the kingdom animalia. A CHNOPS chromosome is made up of six genes (A,B,C,D,E, and F), each of which is responsible for a certain trait.
CHNOPS includes carbon c
CHNOPS includes hydrogen h
CHNOPS includes nitrogen n
CHNOPS includes oxygen o
CHNOPS includes phosphorus p
CHNOPS includes sulfur s
i know that... but what does it mean? like what does it relate to? where is it used? that kinda stuff
heh, you were asking what it stands for and kimchee said it
The lab writer was smoking crack; CHNOPS isn't an organism but the six bulk elements found in all organisms
plants hav sulfer? never knew that..
You know when you chew food down, there are 22 amino acids and carbons and then sucrose. Look in your textbook after reading the first sentence I wrote. Should help you out.
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