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Posted by micron on 04-17-2002 05:47 PM:


heres a poem i wrote to someone i used to like.


Yesterday, I saw you.
I saw you in the midst of people.
I saw you in the crowd.
But I saw you seeing me
And dreamed of you and me.

Today, I think of you.
Your eyes, your innocent look.
A spark starting in my heart
I smile because of you
And dream of you and me.

Tomorrow, I will dream of you.
You and me, me and you.
The spark will become a fire
Burning intensely in my heart
Will you make my dream come true?

Posted by huby40 on 04-19-2002 12:02 PM:

Will you make my dream come true?

errr... no.

j/k cool poem.

Posted by TAIgrr on 04-19-2002 01:55 PM:

haha.. i'm was listening to BOA'S "WAITING.." while reading your poem and your lyrics just mixed in.. ^_^


Posted by GinaDaQueen on 04-19-2002 04:00 PM:

wow that soinds very nice ^_^ did she like the poem? i'm sure she did


Posted by huby40 on 04-19-2002 04:22 PM:

heres a poem i wrote to someone i used to like.

how do you know it's a she?

ok, maybe i should shut up before jusun bans me... or kicks my ass when i see him in church....

Posted by annabanana on 04-21-2002 10:32 AM:

Re: poem.

Originally posted by jusunlee
heres a poem i wrote to someone

wow, that's a kewl poem for a guy to write. it's so sweet and sincere, and i like how the poem ends on a rhetorical note. good job.

Posted by lovedontloveme on 05-06-2002 10:02 PM:

sweet poem jusun [x
i'm sure the girl must have been touched to see you write such a nice poem to her [:

Posted by GinaDaQueen on 06-02-2002 04:50 AM:

Originally posted by huby40

how do you know it's a she?

ok, maybe i should shut up before jusun bans me... or kicks my ass when i see him in church....

haha you are so funny lol

Posted by hoyoungz luv on 06-07-2002 08:53 AM:

It's so sweet. I tend to shy away from poems though...

I liked the way you kept a 'theme' <<arrghh... what is that word I'm looking for>> throughout the poem. What I'm trying to explain, and not succeeding is the whole 'yesterday,' 'today,' 'tomorrow' part. Oh and the ending. It ends the poem without giving off a sense of closure. Sort of like... leaving room for something more to happen.

It's a really nice poem. gOsh. I wish I could write poems. It seems like a nice way to express your emotions.

~*~ intoxicated tigress ~*~

come join the fun -> and ->

Posted by ThisGuy1 on 06-19-2002 07:37 AM:

that was

junk........im sorry if its rude but honest opinion that was plain lame and boring

Posted by Ladi Jay on 06-19-2002 03:53 PM:

Re: that was

Originally posted by ThisGuy1
junk........im sorry if its rude but honest opinion that was plain lame and boring

hey you!!!

Anyways, Jusun... You did good. I bet it expressed your feelings for her somewhere in there???

Uh, me? I can't even write a fricken rhyme...puhaha

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 06-20-2002 06:44 AM:

aww...thaz so sweet...i'd be happi if a guy wrote that for me

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