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-- Juss A verse..since yall wanted to see.. (https://www.jusunlee.com/forums/showthread.php?threadid=3623)

Posted by ChiNkyChipMunk on 07-31-2002 08:01 AM:

Juss A verse..since yall wanted to see..

dis aint freestyle or nawting..i wrote dis a while ago..muhaha... yeh i dunt rill ae write no more.. but yeh..yu guys wantd to see wat i had... i wasnt tryna dis dat samlee kid..yu're good but i thot it was kidna boring..but i guess we juss diff styles..yu're more into tha vocab and rhyming..while my rhyme scheme sux and i focus more on werdplay and metaphors and wat not.. i liek my style better..cuz yu knoe..when yu see verses liek yurs.. juss tha nice rhymes and watever..yu say Nice... but when yu see a dope metaphor and a verse dat can make yu laugh wit good disses..yu say OH SHIET! haha..well wtaev..here it goes..daym dis ish old as hell..

Ill strike a fear in ya wit satanic rhymes from my battle tongue/
yur rhymes aint worth a single solitary ounce of cattle dung/
Im leavin many emcees hung in tha gallows of rap music/
I might as well be bi-lingual cuz im speakin ill metaphores fluent/
yu are tha student ,im tha teacher and tha class ish now in session/
my whole objective in life ish to teach wack emcees liek yu a lesson/
yu wont survive, from tha time I posted dis verse yu were bound to fall/
my style ish sicker den an addict goin through withdrawl/
even if yu was 10 feet tall, yu could not see my level/
even if yu was god, yu would not be higher den dis devil/
yur rhymes are pathetic like prematurely ejactulatin while masturbatin/
Ive seen better flows come outta my pussy while i was menstratin/
Im decapitatin yu wit tha sharp lyrics dat i spit/
flick my tongue quick and slit every artery of yurs until yu are forced to submit/
yu aint shit, never was and never will be/
if yu mixed yur rhymes wit three fourths acid, yu still couldnt kill me/
my flow ish advanced while yur resortin back to tha old school liek British Knights/
yur rhymes are gay liek a 30 year old man dats wearin pink tights/
yu betta give up dis fight, or be prepared for tha grim consequences yu will face/
hit yu wit my mic sho hard dat all tha bones of yur face shift liek tectonic plates/
Another emcee killed wit another illmatic rhyme/
I made a single slice down his back and den manually removed his spine

Posted by ChiNkyChipMunk on 07-31-2002 08:04 AM:

ahh dat was kinda weak..but yeah
i read yur post over..
it wasnt dat bad..yu got tyte rhyming..
but i still thot oit was boring =)

Posted by CiviC_BayBi on 07-31-2002 01:15 PM:

Originally posted by ChiNkyChipMunk
ahh dat was kinda weak..but yeah
i read yur post over..
it wasnt dat bad..yu got tyte rhyming..
but i still thot oit was boring =)

hehe that was mad!!! i actually liked it ....maybe one day....ill post mine... (yeah right)

credits to huby40 !!!

It's reality, fuck it , it's everything but me...

Posted by Crazydeb8ter on 07-31-2002 07:19 PM:

Re: Juss A verse..since yall wanted to see..

Originally posted by ChiNkyChipMunk

Ive seen better flows come outta my pussy while i was menstratin/


ni pour ni contre; ça m'est égal

"The weight of this sad time we must obey,/ Speak what we feel, not what we ought to say./ The oldest hath borne most; we that are young/ Shall never see so much, nor live so long."
King Lear (V.3.300-304)

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