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Posted by bigChubuff on 05-01-2002 02:39 PM:

Asian vs. white/blackz/latinas in a fight

who would win in a fight if an average asian got in a fight wit a average white/black/mexican kid disregarding the height and size difference...

my guess is azn.....whites are pussys....blackz too used to guns....mexis cant beat azns

Posted by TAIgrr on 05-01-2002 03:04 PM:

well if they we both HARDCORE
i'd say asian

but if they were just average STUDENTSs
i'd say white/black/mex


Posted by bigChubuff on 05-01-2002 03:08 PM:

not average azn student...since mos asian students nerdy...

Posted by Alchemist on 05-01-2002 03:44 PM:

you mean steriotypical ppl?

Posted by oRGyMaN on 05-01-2002 07:11 PM:

azn's won't win a 1 on 1. da only prob is dat azn's never fight alone. dey always got back so it makes da fight uneven...

tell me business b4 pleasure..
but to me business is pleasure..


Posted by TAIgrr on 05-01-2002 07:20 PM:

just out from the top of my mind but..

does TAEKWONDO, HAPKIDO, JUDO help at all when it comes to fighting?????


Posted by AiSH on 05-01-2002 07:34 PM:

not really.. they teach you to fight clean.
street fight ain't clean..


Posted by krnxswat on 05-01-2002 07:50 PM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr
just out from the top of my mind but..

does TAEKWONDO, HAPKIDO, JUDO help at all when it comes to fighting?????

haha i think for most of the people, when they fight, they dont really concentrate on what they're doing, and juss go crazy ^^;

Posted by AiSH on 05-01-2002 07:58 PM:

it's more like.. close your eyes, move your arms, and hope it hits somethin.


Posted by bigChubuff on 05-02-2002 12:10 PM:

matters how fast of a punches u got and da powar behind it...

Posted by huby40 on 05-02-2002 01:09 PM:

do you mean if they were all raised in USA or all raised in their own separate countries.

you also didn't say boy are girl.

Posted by TAIgrr on 05-02-2002 01:37 PM:

i didnt know where else to post this

during lunch today we had frqn FOUR fights in 15 MINUTES!!!!! CRAZY!! like 5 cops came and had to stop them.. it involved 3 girls and 4 guys..
there was like frqn pieces of blonde hair flying everywhere, and her scalp wsa hella bleeding, she couldnt even fight, she tried protecting her hair.. (dumbass, who protects their hair when theyre getting jumped?!)

anyway, we got to stay in our 5th periods til school was over i didnt have to go to geometry ^_^


Posted by bigChubuff on 05-02-2002 03:58 PM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr
i didnt know where else to post this

during lunch today we had frqn THREE fights in 10 MINUTES!!!!! CRAZY!! like 5 cops came and had to stop them.. it involved 3 girls and 4 guys..
there was like frqn pieces of blonde hair flying everywhere, and her scalp wsa hella bleeding, she couldnt even fight, she tried protecting her hair.. (dumbass, who protects their hair when theyre getting jumped?!)

anyway, we got to stay in our 5th periods til school was over i didnt have to go to geometry ^_^

puhaha...shes blonde??...well that explains al0t

Posted by annabanana on 05-07-2002 09:36 AM:

Originally posted by TAIgrr
there was like frqn pieces of blonde hair flying everywhere, and her scalp wsa hella bleeding, she couldnt even fight, she tried protecting her hair.. (dumbass, who protects their hair when theyre getting jumped?!)

now, that's violence. what's the update on the poor blonde girl?

anyways, azns vs. the other ppl.....hmmm......i dunno. maybe white ppl? cause they eat a lot of meat? whereas azn typically eat a lot of rice..... but, if the azn was a fob, then the fob probably would win. i dunno!

Posted by PsychoSnowman on 05-07-2002 10:06 AM:

asians would win of course even though i'm biased

-whites would start crying
-blacks would get too mad to be able to fight adequately
-mexicanos would try and call out their big drug lords and gangs to come and help but they couldn't so they'd be scared and would run away or if they fight they'll do their street fighting (they'd make second place of course)
-Asians would be all tough cause their parents are so strict so they'd whip out their hidden powers and all the different martial arts they know and kick everyone else outta here!

Posted by TAIgrr on 05-07-2002 01:45 PM:

Originally posted by annabanana
what's the update on the poor blonde girl?

update? well, i dont really know the girl
i havent really heard about her
i dont think i see around anymore though, cause i usually pass her by my 3rd period to 4th. duno.. :huh: kinda feel sorry for her though.. she has nice silky strawberry blonde hair.. well anyway.. if she fought back the other girl probably wouldnt have had a chance to pull out hair first place.


Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 05-07-2002 02:25 PM:

my UnNi faught dis mexican chick..she hella kicked her ass

nOw..dis other mexican chick is startin shit with her..

but~ on juss a regular basis..i think azn bOis would win cuz dey learn hOw to fight from their hyungs..

girls~ i think its 50/50 cuz da nal la dees/ ha kyOo jjangs are sOo mOo suh wuh..specially in kOrea..
and juss da ones that are "good girls" .. i dont see them winning ^^

Posted by krnxswat on 05-07-2002 05:03 PM:

ahah hyesungu, ur luqi u dong have long hair nemorez

Posted by Ladi Jay on 05-09-2002 10:32 AM:

Have you heard of that "Got Rice" song???

There's a line that goes something like, "One on one, fuck that, two on one!"

I love that line! Okai, I know that had to do nothing with this but I just thought about it! haha

Uh, probably black because they're more aggressive and angry... I dunno...

Ooh, and blonde hair all over??? Yikes! How'd you like the fight?

Posted by Alchemist on 05-09-2002 12:56 PM:

haha "no duels"

actually, does anyone have a picture of them?

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