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Posted by yur_swt_angel on 08-08-2002 10:34 PM:

Unhappy youngest -_-;

im the youngest in my family.. en it suckz! i get all the hand me downs.. LOL.. en like.. yu kno how parents wen dey get their first born.. dey like go totally overboard with.. pictures and occations.. en yu try to do everything with the first born.. mayn.. en den the second child comes out.. pshhhh.. ish like.. uh huh yea okie.. no fair!#@!!@#@!%#!$@!

Posted by BoA4ever on 08-08-2002 11:53 PM:

yeah yeah i know that... im the youngest 2... an i wish sooo much i was the 1st kid my parents had... im like *the second most important thing in their life* ... its so stressing... i really dun like it... i understand u on that...

*i love everybody... no exceptions*

Posted by TAIgrr on 08-09-2002 01:08 AM:

actually, im the maknae also..
i only got one older brother..

i get treated fairly well
i like being the maknae..
cept sometimes when my brother hits me hard..and my parents dont really care..they say my brother has a right to hit me


Posted by ajy on 08-09-2002 01:25 AM:

i get treated like shit. i cant even get a cell phone and im 14. my parents think im a drug dealer.

Posted by yur_swt_angel on 08-09-2002 01:51 AM:

awwww :T i hate being treated not as important.. grrgrr

Posted by TyGer STyLe on 08-09-2002 08:08 AM:

yah... true it sux... sometimes i feel underappreciated myself... but being the youngest does have its perks... thats the way it is for me anyway... i mean my bro is purty chill and a nice guy haha even though hes 5 years older then i am

Enter My Head!

Posted by Ladi Jay on 08-09-2002 05:22 PM:

You all are unhappy because you're the youngest??? I'm the oldest and it's not the best either... I always get the pressure of being the good romodel for the younger siblings, and my parents always expect more from me. And they are very strict on things that I do. My sisters can do whatever they wanna do and my parents won't say anything. I go out for one day and my parents are like, "why weren't you home and watching your little sister and brothers?" I have a sister that is one year younger than me and so I said, "Well, she could have helped me watch. I stay home all the time." Then they end up saying... "well, you're the oldest... blah blah blah.." I always get bs and every problem that my younger siblings stir up always ends up being because of me. I mean, being the oldest has its good points, buh we get the most pressure, parents expect more from us, we have to be "good"...

Posted by BoA4ever on 08-09-2002 07:08 PM:

good point too... its true that oldest always have to be good , to be there to babysit the youngests... and all that... but it depends on the parent. coz my older brother never babysat (lol... sit becomes sat so i guess babysit becomes babysat... im so stupid... oh...forget that...) me. a girl babysitter living near my house did.seems like my parents wanted for him to have fun... i guess my parents will always give more liberty to my older bro' ... but he's almost 18... so its normal...

*i love everybody... no exceptions*

Posted by MC ChOpStiCkz on 08-10-2002 09:05 AM:

i always wanted a bro or sis i dunt liek being d only child

Posted by kRypTic_nABi on 08-11-2002 11:40 PM:

ditto with what chorong said ^^
i like it better .. i dunno..
you live and learn..and i guess it helps having older brothers and sisters..i wouldnt want all that pressure on me if i was the oldest..
and my oppa has some cutie ass friends..

Posted by huby40 on 08-11-2002 11:53 PM:

im youngest and i guess i like it like that. my parents were really hard on my older sister, but they eased up on me because they learned more bout parenthood i guess. sometimes i feel guilty around her becuz i got an easier life.

but right now i feel like an only child. my sister's 10 years older, so she was already on her own when i was young.

Posted by MiGhTy KiTTy on 08-12-2002 06:59 AM:

i am the baby of the family and my parents usually listen to me instead of me listening to them. keke. yes yes i am a bad girl wat can i do? life is good. hehe also they dont really ask me to do anything cuz since im the 'baby' of the house they think i cant do anything <which is true> so they ask my sister to do it instead of me. hehehehehe

one bad thing about that is that i dont know how to take care of myself cuz pplz does it FOR me so i dont learn how to do wat they do..yah..anyways..^^;;

Originally posted by huby40
but right now i feel like an only child. my sister's 10 years older, so she was already on her own when i was young.

ooh and my brother is 10 years older than me too hehehe :P

Posted by daNNy LuV 1TYM on 08-12-2002 07:11 AM:

i used to think being the oldest wuz hard cuz thaz mai situation...but now i realize that being youngest isn't easy either. mai parents are alwaize comparing us and it's tough on both of us, but i guess the younger duz hav it a lil harder cuz the oldest is the OLDEST, u noe? the oldest has a more "appreciated" position i guess...

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