quote: Originally posted by requiem
Just wait for someone to say
God created Man. Man created Math. As such, God created Math.
Anyway, I wasn't trying to bring up anything about the creation of mathematics. I was naming something that is "timeless"
Yeah, i was responding to merc, who said "you say mathematics,...i say god" as if they were just different words for hte same thing, when they aren't. I know you weren't trying to bring up anything aboutt he creation of it, it kidn of happened throughout the thread starting with merc's comment and hten it just kind of went from there.
Main Entry: time·less
Pronunciation: 'tIm-l&s
Function: adjective
Date: circa 1560
2 a : having no beginning or end : ETERNAL b : not restricted to a particular time or date <the timeless themes of love, solitude, joy, and nature -- Writer>
3 : not affected by time : AGELESS
While it does not fit 1 or 2a, math, to me at least, satisfies 2b and 3 in that definition. Hardly anyone uses "timeless" for the first meaning anyway.
To me, God is in the same boat as mathematics. In my eyes, God was created by man, just as math was. How man created Him is beyond me, but that is my belief. To others, this is not the case.
Mathematics, in its purest form, is universal in some aspects. While other planets might not say "1+1=2" it might just be "spork+spork=flock" but the idea, essentially, would be the same. Of course, whether or not aliens exist is a different story.
Yeah, but i think universality is different than saying whether or not somethign is timeless or not. But, i do happen to think that mathematics is universal as well...and timeless hehe.
And, the bit about god and mathematics....i believe something similar.
Long messages do not equal aggravation of any sort,
rather they reflect nothing more than a response of insight
that should always be read in a matter-of-fact tone.
"Those womyn that seek equality with men, lack determination."
"I beseech you, in the bowels of Christ, think it possible you may be wrong."