Installing characters:
Step 1: download the char.
it's pretty self explanatory...
Step 2: unzip the char.
double click the *.zip file and extract
the character's files mugen/chars/<nameofcharhere>
make note of the characters *.def file, that should be the
name of the folder you extract it to.
Step 3: add the char to your select.def file
go into mugen/data/ and open select.def with
notepad. add your char with this syntax
<char>, stages/<stage>.def
if you don't have any stages, just use kfm.def
ok here is my select.def file:
akuma, stages/cave.def
venon, stages/aerial.def
warmachine, stages/aerial.def
wolverine, stages/arcadexmen2.def
megaman, stages/arcadexmen2.def
spidermn, stages/arcadexmen2.def
strider, stages/portal.def
vegeta, stages/tenka2.def
gogeta, stages/tenka2.def
Goku-SSJ2, stages/tenka2.def
chibigohan, stages/tenka2.def
cellhd, stages/arcadexmen2.def
goten, stages/tenka2.def
kaioshin, stages/tenka2.def
kuririn, stages/tenka2.def
piccolo, stages/tenka2.def
saiyaman, stages/tenka2.def
kame, stages/tenka2.def
trunkse, stages/tenka2.def
satan-son, stages/tenka2.def
hbuu, stages/tenka2.def
wingzero, stages/colony.def
tallgeese, stages/colony.def
mario, stages/classicmario.def
sonic2, stages/finaldest.def
kfm, stages/kfm.def
vegeex, stages/tenka2.def
bebi, stages/tenka2.def
megateam, stages/sigma.def
hyewon, stages/finaldest.def
slash, stages/sigma.def
mmzero, stages/sigma.def