Very, very, VERY corny jokes...
Would you like a Van Gogh action figure with ear cutting action?
Would you like an Osama Binladin toy with plane crashing action?
Would you like a Bush toy with fuzzy math action?
Would you like a Bob Dole Toy with backflipping action AND 3rd person talking action?
Would you like an Al Gore toy with top 1% action?
Would you like a Darth Vader tay with "I am yuo father" action?
Would you like a Luke toy with sky walking action?
Would you like a Picasso toy with arthritis drawing action?
Instead of Gaderade or Naderade (Ralph Nader), There is Vaderade (Darth Vader)
I know these jokes are overwhelmingly corny....
Ironically, we live to die... life is inevitable, so we are either living, or we are dead, but where are we when we are dead? Maybe we aren't ever "dead".Life is a memory. Time is always moving, so there is no now, thus all life is, is just a memory. I'm sure some one thought of that before me...