vbs files are VBScript Files.
VBScript is a scripting language made after the Visual Basic programming language. It's versitile functions & structure make it one of the best languages to make WORMS.
From what your saying, you probably got infected with a few vb worms. Some script kiddy probably created a worm, renamed it to something similar to an MP3 like for example:
Ashanti - Foolish.mp3.vbs
and put it on a file sharing program such as KaZaa to share.
Although KaZaa has filtering against *vbs files, it cannot detect secondary file names (most of the times)
So to a victim, the file would look like:
Ashanti- Foolish.mp3
in the Search box. To protect against this, be sure to look at MP3 file sizes, rather than just clicking the mp3 file just cause it says that it's the song. Any REAL MP3 will have at least a file size thats a Megabyte or more. If the Mp3 file has a size of like 4 Kilobytes (KB) or anywhere in Kilobyte size, don't download it.