- a true friend will help you in a fight, even though he knows he'll lose the fight and get beat up.
- a true friend will yield a girl realizing that you like her, even when he met the girl before you did and like her too.
- a true friend will call and make sure youre okay when youre sick and miss school. he will even come by and bring you something to eat.
- a true friend will tell you that your breath stinks, so that other people wont silently curse you but dont care enough to tell you that it stinks.
- a true friend will get in trouble for you, even though you are the one who's really at fault, because he knows how much a good reputation means to you.
- a true friend will fight and argue with you, because he knows that youll be there through the thick, not just the thin.
- a true friend will drive 30 minutes to your place at 2 in the morning because you need someone to talk to about your problems.
- and a true friend will forgive you the time you ran out on him when 5 other guys jumped him. thats something really messed up that you did to him, but he'll overlook that for the sake of your friendship.
your life is truly blessed if you meet a friend like that.
Last edited by solaris on 01-21-2003 at 07:59 AM