well, i do have a comb with me all de time, but gets really annoying combin my hair lyke evry 5 minutes......wearing a hat makes it look lyke shat afterwards, mebbe ill buy a visor.......gel, gel, well i need lyke 30 minutes n hold 10 gel in order to hold my hair, i tried lyke realli long spikes, kind of lyke tengokus hair, but it didnt look right......my hair has one bang on one side, not as long as jons, down to my eye, n the other side doesnt realli have a bang, but i dont kno how to describe it, kinda long, but not down to my face....mebbe i should just lissen to sung hye n try out that stuff, and buy a hair dryer, my last one fell off a shelf into the toilet (shut up ppl ) n fried