Tips To Getting Blissful Sleep
Sleep is vital to our health and well-being. Unfortunately though,
many of us do not experience stable sleep patterns. Insomnia, the
repeated difficulty of falling or staying asleep, is experienced by
nearly everyone at some point in his or her life.
Here are a few tips on lifestyle changes that may improve your sleep
* Exercise. You'll feel better about yourself and find it easier to
fall asleep because exercise relieves tension and relaxes muscles.
Gentle stretching is particularly important for relieving stress. Try
not to exercise to close to bed time, as exercise is arousing and
energizing too
* Take time out. Relax and unwind before bed. A warm bath, soft
music, meditation, reading and yoga are all beneficial.
* Watch your diet. Dinner should be consumed at least 3 hours before
going to bed. Avoid heavy dinners and late night snacks.
* Put Your Worry's On Hold. Stresses in your life will be the next
morning. So try not to bring your concerns to bed. Hit the pause
button for a good nights sleep and be bettered prepared to tackle the
issues feeling refreshed from a good nights sleep.
* Avoid before-bed snacks, particularly grains and sugars. This will
raise blood sugar and inhibit sleep. Later, when blood sugar drops
too low (hypoglycemia), you might wake up and not be able to all back
* Fresh Air. Keep your bedroom well ventilated, clean fresh air helps
you breathe easier and fall asleep quicker.
* Deep Breathe. Proper breathing is essential for relaxation. Deep
breathing is relaxing and rejuvenating. All too often we breathe very
shallowly, allowing the air to move no lower than our chest. Breathe
with your diaphragm. Full and deep breathing is one of the best ways
to release tension and can help you fall asleep faster.
* Try progressive relaxation, a technique designed to reduce the
muscle tension that accompanies stress. Lie down. Breathe in slowly
and deeply. Concentrate on your body and note the places where you
feel tense. Contract your muscles progressively from your toes up
through your whole body, holding each for about 5 seconds. Feel the
tension easy away!
* Relax in a warm bath or shower before you go to bed. Studies show
that this helps people sleep more deeply.
* Avoid Alcohol. Alcohol is a depressant that slows you down and
makes you sleepy, but it also disrupts the deep sleep needed to feel
Avoid working too late. You need a wind-down period to help let your
mind slow down.
Remember, sleep is a vital function we cannot afford to neglect.
Relax, Unwind, get your ZZZ's and recharge your energy for the new
day ahead.
Hope this helps for some of you having trouble getting good sleep!