appropriate content
these forums are to be pg13, with the exception of the sex forum, which is to be rated r. that means no explicit images and/or text. please remember that we have some young people browsing through the forums.
pointless posts
to enhance the experience of these forums, please do not post just for the sake of posts counts. we care more about what you say than how many times you can hit the "add reply" button.
posting a thread for the sole purpose of advertising is not allowed. personal pages are only allowed in your signature, and company pages are only allowed for purposes of providing information.
think before you post. everyone is different and everyone has different stances on certain issues. a little tact is never a bad thing. watch what you say if you know it's going to be controversial. when you have an argument, it's better to post with reasoning justifying your views.
personal attacks
flaming will not be tolerated here. neither will personal attacks of any sort. if you're making an argument it's always better to retort with reason and composure. personal attacks are childish and have no place in these forums.
signatures should not take up more than 400 pixels of vertical space. that would be equivalent to around 30 lines of unformated text on default size (vbcode: small). moreoever, signature images should be less than 100kB in filesize when combined. how you use the allotted space is entirely up to you.