From the link posted: "The only thing that brought us [Asians and Pacific Islanders] together were census bureaus,"
That's not really true, the ASEAN Regional Forum (United Nations),
and probably SEATO as well.
Saying Pacific Islanders aren't Asian is like saying Catholics aren't Christian. (This is just something to help you understand. Like a metaphor, analogy, or proportion or something. Don't say this is random crap or I will call you a moron)
Catholics are Christian, Christianity is divided into several different denominations but they're all Christian.
Ok, maybe there are some differences between different Asians. But hey, there's the same thing with White people too. And Black as well, and several others too. Yeah pretty much all generalizations would have several physical and cultural differences inside them.
There are 3 different classifications within the classification "Asian", although these 3 have several cultural and physical traits, all 3 are classified as Asian.
So Flips are Asian.
You may call the following "random crap":
Flip does not stand for Fine Looking Irish People, they aren't Irish.