quote: Originally posted by mina
yeah I'm really petite too so I wouldn't go too big. I've wanted them for a while now and I don't think it's for the wrong reasons but I would have to think it through. Some people can be really rude about it, even my "friends" make jokes about my chest. I laugh it off but it still hurts.
ermm, it goes both ways lol...you'll never have to worry about your obnoxious friends nicknaming you "hooters"
you would not believe how much i get made fun of because im a Dcup, since im korean and "every typical korean girl is supposed to be flat". all of my friends always tease me and ask me things like "no wonder you're not on track", "are you having trouble getting up cuz your boobs are weighing you down?", "can you see your feet when you stand up straight?", "can i poke them?"
...i want to be an A so badly...
wanna trade? lol